Control session in the Lower House of Parliament

Pedro Sánchez: "This Government defends peace and legality"

President's News - 2024.5.29

Moncloa Palace, Madrid

29/05/2024. Pedro Sánchez attends the control session in the Lower House of Parliament. The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánc... The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, during his speech at the control session in the Lower House of Parliament (Pool Congreso)

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Pedro Sánchez, during the control session of the Government in the Lower House of Parliament, has stressed the importance of recognising the State of Palestine, a decision adopted this week in the Council of Ministers.

"Yesterday, Spain took a transcendental step recognised by both the Arab community and the international community", said the leader of the Government of Spain, who stressed that this position is not only in accordance "with the feelings of Spanish society", but also "with international legality, the resolutions of the UN Security Council and the position that the EU has traditionally maintained".

"This is a Government that defends peace and international legality", concluded the president in his answers to questions posed by the MPs Alberto Núñez-Feijóo and Ione Belarra, in which he linked the desired result of two states, Israel and Palestine, living in peaceful coexistence. Pedro Sánchez recalled in his speeches that with the decision taken by Spain together with Norway and Ireland, there are now more than 140 countries that have recognised the State of Palestine.

Commitment to decarbonisation and reindustrialisation

In response to Aitor Esteban, a member of the Basque Parliamentary Group (EAJ-PNV), the President of the Government pointed to the reindustrialisation and decarbonisation of the economy as one of his Executive's main objectives: "Thanks to the commitment of this Government, Spain is becoming a global leader in installed renewable capacity", and "we are working to expand and improve our electricity grids".

"We have a strategic project, the PERTE for Industrial Decarbonisation, which I believe is going to be a key initiative to transform our industry, and no less than €11.8 billion of public and private investment is being mobilised to this end," he said.

Pedro Sánchez also recalled the modification of specific aspects of electricity planning to respond to the demands of new industrial projects and guarantee a stable electricity supply: "€489 million to cover power needs for renewable hydrogen industrial projects throughout the country".

Last, the Chief Executive recalled the support given to the electro-intensive industry with measures such as the extension of the 80% reduction in electricity tolls and the increase in aid for compensation for CO2 emissions to reach €300 million by 2024.

Non official translation