Institutional declaration by the President of the Government of Spain on the recognition of the State of Palestine

President's News - 2024.5.28

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Moncloa Palace, Madrid

"Good morning,

Given the national and international significance of the decision we are about to take today, I will address you in Spanish and English.

I therefore appear before all of you to inform you that, at today's meeting of the Council of Ministers, the Government of Spain will approve the official recognition of the State of Palestine.

Spain will thereby join the more than 140 countries in the world that already recognise Palestine as a state. This is a historic decision with a single objective: to help Israelis and Palestinians reach peace.

Recognition of the State of Palestine is not only a matter of historical justice to the legitimate aspirations of the people of Palestine. It is also an urgent necessity if we are all to achieve peace.

It is the only way to move towards the solution that we all recognise as the only possible way to achieve a peaceful future: that of a Palestinian state living side by side with the State of Israel in peace and security.

The State of Palestine must first and foremost be viable, with the West Bank and Gaza connected by a corridor and with East Jerusalem as its capital, and unified under the legitimate rule of the Palestinian National Authority.

Although it is not up to our country, Spain, to define the borders of other countries, our vision is fully aligned with UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, as well as with the position traditionally held by the European Union. Therefore, we will not recognise changes to the 1967 boundary lines other than those agreed by the parties.

It is also essential that Palestine's place in the international community be recognised.

The recognition of Palestine as a state is a decision we took, or rather did not take, against anyone. But I would like to say that this is why Spain will continue to support Palestine. As I have said before, recognising Palestine as a state is a decision that we do not take against anyone, least of all against Israel, a friendly people whom we respect and appreciate, and with whom we want to have the best possible relationship.

Moreover, this decision reflects our outright rejection of Hamas, which is against the two-state solution.

Spain, as you know, condemned the terrorist attacks of 7 October from the outset - and in the strongest terms. And that condemnation is the resounding expression of our absolute commitment to the fight against terrorism.

I want to tell you that, starting tomorrow, we will concentrate all our efforts on making the two-state solution a reality. And we will do so with three main priorities.

The most urgent, first and foremost, remains ending an unprecedented crisis in the Gaza Strip. I call, once again, for a permanent ceasefire; for the entry of humanitarian aid; and for the immediate release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas.

Secondly, we will support the Palestinian National Authority in the reform process initiated by its new government. The Palestinian Authority is our partner for peace and will need our full support.

And finally, thirdly, we will continue to foster cooperation with our Arab partners, who are also working for peace and prosperity in the region. We will continue to work together to convene an international peace conference to make the two-state solution a reality once and for all.

Spain's decision today is based on respect for international law and defending the rules-based international order. Whatever the context, whether in Gaza, Palestine or Ukraine, Spain will always defend the purposes and principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

With the step we take today, we assume our responsibility in the search for peace, security and prosperity for all peoples, in accordance with the mandate established in the preamble of the Spanish Constitution.

But, above all, we act in accordance with what is expected of a great country like Spain.

Thank you".

(Transcript edited by the State Secretariat for Communication) (Original speech in Spanish and English)