Spain and Argentina agree to further develop their strategic partnership

President's News - 2017.2.23

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Moncloa Palace, Madrid

At the joint press conference with Mariano Rajoy and Mauricio Macri after their meeting at Moncloa Palace, the President of the Government of Spain underlined the historic ties that exist between the two nations. Mariano Rajoy recalled that almost 500,000 Spaniards now live in Argentina (many of them in Buenos Aires) and that, similarly, "many Argentineans have come to Spain", which has contributed to the progress by both countries.

The President of the Government said that, with the State visit by Mauricio Macri to Spain, bilateral relations can be described as "wonderful" as they "regain their traditional strength following a few difficult years". The President of Argentina met with senior Spanish officials and gave a formal address to Parliament.

The meeting at Moncloa Palace lead to the signing of an Action Plan to Enhance the Strategic Partnership between Spain and Argentina. From the content of this document, Mariano Rajoy highlighted a series of institutional partnership mechanisms at international forums. "On this and every other issue, Argentina and Spain can work together in the best interests of both parties", he said.

This added boost for the Strategic Partnership, which was agreed in 2005, seeks "strengthened dialogue" on such issues as human rights, services for the respective emigrant communities and consular relations, multi-lateral and bi-regional coordination, economic and trade cooperation (including science, technology and innovation), sector cooperation and Antarctic cooperation.

The two leaders signed a joint declaration, which is joined by a dozen or so bilateral agreements in such fields as talent mobility, the recognition of qualifications and certificates, cultural cooperation and cyber-security.

Commitment from Spanish companies

Pool Moncloa/ Diego CrespoMariano Rajoy explained that, at his meeting with the President of Argentina, they discussed the respective internal political situations in Spain and Argentina.

The President of the Government of Spain referred to the "ambitious reformist policy" that Mauricio Macri is currently implementing, which includes such decisions as one to eliminate export duties and update tariffs. Forecasts on the Argentine economy for this year "are much better", said Mariano Rajoy, who underlined the benefits of that policy for investments and for the Spanish companies "that have always maintained a commitment" to the country.

Mariano Rajoy said that the Government of Spain also had to undertake structural reforms and reduce the public deficit. "At the beginning, there might have been people who did not understand it. However, history always shows - in very little time in the case of Spain - that when things are taken seriously and when what needs to be done is actually done, the results eventually work in favour of the general public".


Mariano Rajoy said that the partnership agreement between the European Union and MERCOSUR was an "essential part" of the meeting. The President of the Government of Spain recalled that the negotiations around this agreement began in 2000, were suspended in 2004 and resumed last year "thanks to the interest shown by the Governments of Argentina, Brazil and Spain".

Pool Moncloa/ Diego CrespoHe said that Spain "will make every effort" to ensure an understanding is reached "in not too long a period of time", which would be "highly positive" for both the EU and the countries that make up MERCOSUR. Mariano Rajoy announced that there will "soon" be a new round of negotiations in the capital of Argentina, the country holding the rotating presidency of the organisation in the first half of this year.

The President of the Government added that, in terms of free trade, his efforts will "always focus on ensuring" that opening up to foreign trade "leads to benefits for the people". One of the reasons why Spain has overcome the economic crisis, he argued, is precisely because an export culture has been created among small- and medium-sized enterprises. This is reflected by the fact that, for the first time, Spain has posted four straight years of surplus in its foreign trade sector.

Over 400,000 jobs created

Finally, the President of the Government of Spain and the President of Argentina spoke about the EU situation - mainly Brexit - and the economic outlook in this regard.

Regarding the Spanish economy specifically, Mariano Rajoy stressed that it will post growth of 2.5% this year and will create over 400,000 jobs, which will enable the "great objective" of reaching 20 million Spaniards in work by 2020 to be maintained. He explained that achieving that goal would be highly beneficial for the country as a whole because it would enable tax revenue to be increased and, therefore, "better basic public services and pensions to be provided".

Dialogue with Carles Puigdemont and Catalonia

Pool Moncloa/ Diego CrespoThe President of the Government reiterated his offer of dialogue to the President of the Regional Government of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, in order to discuss the issues of interest to the Catalan people within the boundaries of the law. "What cannot be discussed are any ways in which we can agree to break the law together", he said.

In response to whether he expects any formal request from Carles Puigdemont to hold a public meeting, Mariano Rajoy said that "dialogue always makes sense and I am therefore willing to enter dialogue with Carles Puigdemont, just as I am willing to enter dialogue - and the government is in fact doing so intensely - with Catalan society".

Mariano Rajoy stressed that talks must begin on the issues covered at the Conference of Regional Presidents, such as pensions, public services, regional government financing, the State budget and investment.

The President of the Government asked for efforts to be made to avoid social divisions such as those that have arisen in the last five years "in favour of independence". In his opinion, it is not good for Catalonia that the stability of a government - and even its very existence - depends on radical and extremist parties on the fringe of the system. "It is hard to understand that a political party that runs for election with one candidate eventually has to change that candidate because an extremist party says so", he said.

He believes it is "very important" for institutions to represent everyone. "A government cannot only defend a pro-independence ideology when there are many people who think differently", he said.

Fight against gender-based violence

Pool Moncloa/ Diego CrespoIn response to questions from the media about the fight against gender-based violence, Mariano Rajoy replied that it is "a dramatic issue" that concerns the Government of Spain and all Spaniards.

The President of the Government recalled that a sub-committee has been set up in the Lower House of Parliament to tackle this issue, which was also discussed at the Conference of Regional Presidents in order to "adopt increasingly more effective measures" to eradicate it. Furthermore, he said that the Upper House of Parliament is going to take steps in this regard, as was the case at the inter-ministerial meeting held on Thursday, 23 February where a standing body was set up to prevent and fight gender-based violence.

The President of the Government asked for all women who feel harassed to call 016, where they can receive support anonymously. "If any woman has any problem, she has to tell somebody so she can be helped", he said.