Mariano Rajoy urges victims of gender-based violence to call 016 and file a complaint because "there truly is a way out"

President's News - 2015.9.11

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016 Service Headquarters, Madrid

Following the presentation of the new campaign by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality to tackle gender-based violence, Mariano Rajoy sent out a message of hope to victims. "There truly is a way out, which is what the campaign announces, and there are an increasing number of women managing to put gender-based violence behind them".

The President of the Government urged women suffering from gender-based violence to ask for help by calling 016 and file a complaint because "the whole of society is with you, on your side, and against abusers so that you don't suffer one moment longer". He also remembered women who have been murdered, their children and their families, and also those mothers of children who were murdered by their fathers. "You are in our minds and in our hearts", he stated.

016, a free and confidential helpline

Pool MoncloaMariano Rajoy highlighted the use of the 016 helpline, an informative and legal advisory phone service on issues of gender-based violence, whose offices he had visited prior to the presentation.

"Women that call 016 can contact professionals that offer a response to their doubts, their uncertainties and their fears, and they do so with the security of a phone line that leaves no trace of calls, is confidential, operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and which is free", he pointed out. The President of the Government praised the work of these professionals, with whom he chatted during his visit.

The President of the Government also defended the value of this type of campaign because it serves to foster "a social climate of commitment and support" for victims and of "zero tolerance for the most dramatic and unfair expression of inequality that still persists". He also said that it has been proven that the number of women who now dare to "take a step forward" and report their abuser is on the rise. The campaign presented on Friday must "serve as encouragement following a summer which has, once again, been tough and painful", he pointed out.

Mariano Rajoy highlighted the importance of this work to raise awareness in the case of adolescents - to whom the government has addressed specific campaigns - children and the most vulnerable women, those with disabilities, the elderly and those who live in the rural environment.

Political and social consensus

Pool MoncloaThe fight against gender-based violence, he declared, is "a national priority" and a "State policy" that calls for "firm determination, hands-on support and the most effective policies".

Mariano Rajoy advocated consensus in this area and welcomed the unity with which the Spanish people have worked on this cause. "We did this when we approved, some time back, the action plans and protection orders, followed by the Comprehensive Gender-based Violence Act. Very significant steps forward have been taken, both legislative and in terms of real action, and the involvement from society on this issue has also been very important".

The President of the Government added that "there is still a lot to do" and called for all people to join up to this "social and moral issue".

"98% of the Spanish people reject gender-based violence. Hence, we have converted this into something intolerable and inadmissible, which is exactly what it is. And this social change allows us to be more proactive, it allows us to become more involved and to urge victims to ask for help and to file complaints. All of us, in own personal environment and at work, can do this. This is in the hands of each and every one of us", he stressed.