2nd Entrepreneurs and Independent Contractors Forum 2015

"Independent contractors are backbone of Spanish economy", says Mariano Rajoy

President's News - 2015.3.14

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Entrepreneurs and Independent Contractors Forum, Córdoba

The President of the Government gave the closing speech in Cordoba of the 2nd Entrepreneurs and Independent Contractors Forum, organised by the National Federation of Independent Contractors (Spanish acronym: ATA), which is celebrating its 20th anniversary.

In his speech, Mariano Rajoy underlined the leading role played by the self-employed in the recovery of the Spanish economy, since they have found a way "to build rather than destroy" and hold on during the toughest times. "There are presently 43,000 more independent contractors than when we came to power and, moreover, they have created significant net employment".

He highlighted that Spain needs their dreams, efforts, dedication and entrepreneurial spirit. "There will be more work, greater well-being and wealth if there are more small- and medium-sized enterprises and more independent contractors in our country. Independent contractors are presently the backbone of the Spanish economy and a major asset for our country; we need them".

The President of the Government asserted that the proposals made by independent contractors are "interesting and fair", and he will deal with them to the extent that he is able to. In this regard, he announced that the government will present the Draft Law on Updating the Statute on Self-Employment and Driving the Social Economy.

He explained that this document "will organise and systematise the raft of incentives for self-employment that are presently in force with the aim of providing greater clarity and legal certainty".

Moreover, Mariano Rajoy announced that the text will incorporate new incentives such as "allowing those independent contractors that already benefit from the flat rate to hire workers without this meaning they have to renounce the incentives provided, and the possibility of future independent contractors and entrepreneurs, of any age, capitalising up to 100% of their unemployment benefit to start up an independent economic activity or, if they prefer, combine the benefit with the start of entrepreneurial activity".

Growth and job creation

Pool MoncloaMariano Rajoy recalled that Spain is growing and creating jobs for the first time in recent years, and moreover, heads up the growth table in Europe. "2014 was the first year since 2006 in which Spain created jobs and reduced unemployment".

However, the President of the Government said that job creation must remain "the major national priority" and proposed that Spain needs to reach the figure of 20 million people in work over the next "four long years".

"In 2014, 440,000 net jobs were created, with growth of 1.4%. This year we will grow by at least 2.4%; hence between 2014 and 2015 Spain will have created one million net jobs, and in the coming years we need to create at least 500,000 jobs per year, and this can be done, it is absolutely possible", he forecast.