Government by Legislature
Constituent Legislature. Cabinet of July 1977. | EFE. 1977.7.5
Constituent Legislature. Cabinet of July 1977.
Cabinet from April 1979 to January 1980. The first constitutional Government poses with...
Cabinet from February 1981 to September 1981. Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo is sworn in as the...
Cabinet from December 1982 to July 1985. The King, together with the first PSOE...
The governments of the fourteen legislatures, plus the Constituent Legislature, span a period from 5 July 1977 to the present.
There were two successive governments of the Union of the Democratic Centre (Spanish acronym: UCD), headed up by Adolfo Suárez, in the Constituent Legislature.
The I Legislature contained the largest number of cabinets in total - nine - four of them headed up by Adolfo Suárez and the other five by Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo. The UCD was the governing party.
The two cabinets comprising the II Legislature were headed up by Felipe González, with the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (Spanish acronym: PSOE) as the governing party.
The PSOE was also the governing party of the III Legislature, which comprised two different cabinets, of the IV Legislature, in which there were six cabinets, and of the V Legislature, which comprised five cabinets. Felipe González headed up all of them.
The VI Legislature was made up of four different cabinets under the People's Party (Spanish acronym: PP), headed up by José María Aznar. The VII Legislature comprised five different cabinets under the PP and also headed up by José María Aznar.
There were five cabinets in both the VIII Legislature and the IX Legislature, under the governance of the PSOE and headed up by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.
The governing party of the X Legislature is the PP, headed up by Mariano Rajoy.
At the start of the XI Legislature on 13 January 2016, no candidate reached a majority enough to be endowed president. Mariano Rajoy and the last Cabinet formed under the 10th Legislature remains in place in an acting capacity.
In the XII Legislature, from 19 July 2016 to 1 June 2018, the government of Mariano Rajoy Brey, from the PP, was in power. After a motion of censure, as from 1 June 2018, the President of the Government is Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, from the PSOE.
In the XIII Legislature, Pedro Sánchez does not reach the majority enough to be endowed president and form a government, so he remains Acting President, like his last Cabinet of the XII Legislature.
In the XIV Legislature, Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, from the PSOE, is invested President of the Government.
In the XV Legislature, Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, from the PSOE, is invested President of the Government.
Non official translation
More Info
- Governments from the Constituent to the XIV Legislature
- Constituent Legislature
- I Legislature
- II Legislature
- III Legislature
- IV Legislature
- V Legislature
- VI Legislature
- VII Legislature
- VIII Legislature
- IX Legislature
- X Legislature
- XI Legislature
- XII Legislature
- XIII Legislature
- XIV Legislature
- XV Legislature