Videoconferencing with units in humanitarian and peacekeeping missions
Pedro Sánchez: "You carry the name of our country around the world with honour and dignity"
President's News - 2024.12.24
The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, during the videoconference held with Spanish military personnel abroad | Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo. 2024.12.24
The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, during the...
The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, during the...
The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, together with the Chief...
The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, greets the Chief of the...
Moncloa Palace, Madrid
This morning, the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, held the traditional Christmas videoconference with Spanish units on humanitarian and peacekeeping missions abroad, together with the Minister for Defence and the Chief of Defence Staff. Of all these units, the president stressed that "you carry the name of our country around the world with honour and dignity. And the whole of Spanish society, be absolutely certain, is grateful for your effort, dedication and professionalism."
The head of the Executive began his speech by sending them a message of thanks: "We Spaniards are very proud of the work you do; inside and outside Spain." "Inside, because every day of the year, 24 hours a day, you ensure security in areas of sovereignty and national interest. And because, in emergencies and catastrophes such as the one caused by the DANA, your work to help those affected is absolutely commendable. A task that, in addition to saving lives, allows for a gradual return to normality, despite all the difficulties," he said. And outside, he continued, "for demonstrating our country's commitment to peace and security in the world.
The more than 15,000 military personnel who have taken part in missions abroad this year are proof of this." "Wherever you deploy, you do so with professionalism, a sense of duty, consideration and closeness. You always leave a good memory, a good image that contributes to our Armed Forces being more and more highly valued internationally. And that also contributes to improving the reputation of our country," he added.
The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, together with the Chief of the Defence Staff, Teodoro Esteban, and the Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, during the videoconference | Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo
The head of the Executive referred to international conflicts and Spain's position. On the invasion of Ukraine, he recalled that "it will soon be three years since the invasion of Ukraine. We strongly condemn this unjustified and cruel act, contrary to the most basic rules of International Law. Our presence on NATO's eastern flank, in Slovakia, Latvia and Romania, is the best message Spain can send to draw a clear red line to the Russian Federation and to President Putin.
Among other missions, Pedro Sánchez also cited Spain's role in leading the multinational brigade in Slovakia, as well as missions in Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegovina. With regard to Middle East, he stressed that "the armed conflict in Gaza and Israel is not only intensifying, but has spread to other nearby territories, such as Lebanon," and said he was "aware of the complex situation experienced by those of you who are deployed there, especially in recent months with the attacks suffered. But I want to tell you that it is precisely now that the work of the international force of UNIFIL, under Spanish command, is more necessary than ever." The president also mentioned the missions in Iraq, Africa and Latin America, among other places.
Before concluding, the head of the Executive dedicated a few words "to honour the memory of the 175 men and women who during these 35 years of missions abroad have given their lives in the course of their duty."
The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, greets the Chief of the Defence Staff, Teodoro Esteban, and the Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, upon their arrival at Moncloa Palace | Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo
Finally, on behalf of all Spaniards and the Government, he wished them "happy holidays and every success in the completion of your mission". This was followed by speeches from the commanders of the missions abroad. After them, and to conclude the video call, the Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, stressed that "it is a source of pride for the whole of Spain to see you deployed all over the world." "You represent the best of Spain, and that is why Spain is so proud of you and your commitment to peace. You make our country an indisputable leader in this commitment to a fairer and better society," she emphasised.
Non official translation