The President of the Government of Spain discusses with CEPES representatives the promotion of the social economy

President's News - 2024.12.5

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Moncloa Palace, Madrid

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has held a meeting with representatives of the Spanish Social Economy Business Confederation (CEPES), in which he defended the Executive's commitment to a sector comprised of more than 74,000 companies, generating more than 2.5 million jobs in Spain. The meeting was attended by the president of CEPES and Social Economy Europe, Juan Antonio Pedreñ, the vice-presidents of CEPES, Jerónima Bonafe, Leire Muguerza, Enrique Sanz-Fernández Lomana, and Luis Miguel Jurado, and the director of the Economic and G-20 Office, Manuel de la Rocha.

Pedro Sánchez conveyed to the representatives of CEPES the Government's firm commitment to the social economy, within the framework of Spain's ecological and digital transition process, highlighting its key role in social and territorial cohesion. In this regard, they analysed the progress of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the roll-out of the Social Economy Pillar, Spain being the only European country to identify the social economy as a priority sector. PERTE is endowed with more than €2.5 billion of European Recovery Plan funds, of which around 60% (more than €1.4 billion) has already been implemented, giving the care economy a major boost.

The Government's commitment to the social economy also includes the approval of the draft Integral Law for the Promotion of the Social Economy, which is currently going through the parliamentary process. The Executive has also recently created the Social Economy Vanguard Hub, a project for which CEPES has been granted €1.3 million to position the social economy as a global pioneer, and which will involve the creation of a think tank to evaluate public policies in the social economy and study its contribution to reducing inequalities and creating a more inclusive labour market. In parallel, the Government is deploying the Spanish Social Economy Strategy 2023-2027. Furthermore, the Government is committed to the internationalisation of the social economy as the driving force behind a more humane, fair and sustainable economic model.

Non official translation

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