Pedro Sánchez meets with the President of the European Council and the Executive Vice-President of the European Commission

President's News - 2024.5.30

Moncloa Palace, Madrid

30/05/2024. Pedro Sánchez meets with the President of the European Council and the Executive Vice-President of the European Commission. Meet... Meeting between the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, and the President of the European Council, Charles Michel (Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo)

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The chief executive discussed with both leaders the future of the EU and its Strategic Agenda, which will set the EU's priorities for the next five years.

At the meeting with Charles Michel, the President of the European Council, the president conveyed to him the importance of having an ambitious agenda that combines reindustrialisation and the defence of Europe with raising wages and achieving Europe's environmental goals.

In this regard, the President of the Government thanked the President of the European Council for his efforts to reflect Spain's concerns, underlining that the green transition and social cohesion should be fully included in the Strategic Agenda. Charles Michel stressed that Spain has an important role to play in building a stronger Europe.

Pedro Sánchez and Maros Sefcovic also discussed the future of the EU and the role that the green agenda, social justice and strategic foresight should play in it. In this respect, the Executive Vice-President of the Commission and the President of the Government underlined the need to continue to work together to make EU policies fit for the future.

Sefcovic has positively assessed the launch of 'Spain 2050', which is in line with the EU's annual Strategic Foresight Reports, a priority of which is climate action.

Both agreed that the EU must look ahead and know how to turn challenges into opportunities.

Non official translation

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