The President of the Government of Spain holds a telephone conversation with the president of Ukraine

President's News - 2024.5.7

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The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has held a telephone conversation with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to whom he reiterated Spain's support for Ukraine for as long as necessary.

In this regard, Pedro Sánchez conveyed his firm condemnation of the Russian attacks against the civilian population in recent days to Zelenskyy, as well as against critical infrastructures throughout the country.

Both leaders agreed on the importance of the Peace Conference for Ukraine to be held next month in Switzerland, and the president of the Government of Spain shared his support and full participation in supporting Ukraine's position to achieve a just and lasting peace based on respect for international law.

Sánchez and Zelenskyy also discussed the situation in Ukraine and the urgent and significant increase in military support that Spain is providing to Ukraine, as well as the progress of the Security Agreement between the two countries.

Non official translation
