Extraordinary European Council
Pedro Sánchez: "Security and defence are European public goods and, as such, must be financed"
President's News - 2025.3.6
Brussels (Belgium)
The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, during his statement after the Extraordinary European Council (Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo y Pool UE)
The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, took part in the extraordinary European Council with the aim of addressing the situation in Ukraine and the security and defence of Europe, two closely related issues.
This extraordinary European Council followed the meetings held in recent weeks in Paris, Kyiv and London, in which Spain actively took part with the aim of advancing towards a just and lasting peace in Ukraine.
"We are in a difficult situation," the president explained, adding that the current context is marked by major changes in the world order. This is why, in the face of the uncertainties generated by this situation, "we have come here to provide certainty", Pedro Sánchez stressed, adding that "in the face of external attacks on our common institutions, we have come to strengthen our EU".
Support for Ukraine
In relation to the war in Ukraine, the president reiterated Spain's unequivocal support, highlighting the country's more than three years of heroic resistance. In this regard, Pedro Sánchez recalled that there is an aggressor, Putin's Russia, and an attacked party, Ukraine, warning that this conflict, which is global in scope, violates international law and the basic principles and rules of peaceful coexistence between nations, thereby "eroding the world order".
The president warned that Putin's neo-imperialist vision goes beyond Ukraine, and that Ukraine's security and defence are Europe's security and defence. He also underlined that "we support Ukraine because we are coherent and we have wanted to make this one of the flags of Spanish foreign policy. We are consistent in our loyalty to the European project, under the assumption that Spain is a great country within the European context. We are not only pro-European out of interest but out of conviction". He added that Spain is consistent in what it defends in all contexts.
The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, talks with the President of Ukraine, Volodimir Zelenski | Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo y Pool UE
"Our support for Ukraine is unwavering and is based on the need to preserve these principles and the security of the political projects to which we belong, such as the EU," said Pedro Sánchez, stressing that Spain wants Ukraine to reach negotiations to achieve a just and lasting peace in the best possible conditions.
The president also pointed out the need to build security guarantees so that peace is not a "mere time-out" that allows Russia to regroup and launch new and more intense attacks. In this regard, he highlighted the Government of Spain's announcement of a new military support package for Ukraine decided in Kyiv worth €1 billion in 2025, within the framework of the Bilateral Security Agreement.
Europe's security and defence
On the security and defence of Europe, Pedro Sánchez stressed that Russia's aggression in Ukraine is the greatest threat facing the continent, recalling that "unfortunately, it is not the only one". In this context, he said that "we are at a historic moment that requires us Europeans to resolutely assume our responsibility in security and defence, defending our strategic autonomy. It is Europe's time," he stated.
He went on to say that Spain defends a broad and comprehensive concept of security, with a 360º vision, covering both the geographical sphere, with an eye too on threats from the South, and the material sphere, strengthening the response to cyberattacks, supply crises, terrorism and climatic catastrophes.
The president stressed that this impetus should serve to increase the competitiveness and innovation of European industry, with the aim of strategically developing a high-tech sector whose advances can also be applied to civilian uses. "It is a boost that strengthens our European and Spanish industrial base and from which different regions can benefit," he said.
The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, attends the media after the Extraordinary European Council | Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo y Pool UE
Strengthening the EU
Pedro Sánchez recalled that "Europeans have many virtues, but among our faults is the fact that we underestimate ourselves; we underestimate our capabilities". In this regard, he emphasised that the EU is the leading trading power and the largest area of coexistence, freedom, rights and democracy on the planet. "It is an EU with leading industries, capable armies and, above all, free citizens", he stressed. "There is no better place in the world to live. Our welfare model is unbeatable. And we have to defend and preserve it". He stressed that "today the EU is stronger than ever", defending the need for the EU to strengthen its voice in the world". "I firmly believe in a stronger and more sovereign Europe, which at the same time, if possible, remains more open to the outside world.
"Spain will be part of the solution because we are at the heart of Europe", he underlined, adding that "where some build walls and tariffs, we build bridges and conclude trade agreements. Where others raise their arms, evoking the worst ghosts of the past, we reach out, appealing to a shared horizon for the future".
"We will come out ahead with a strengthened EU. And Spain will do its best to make this happen," he concluded.
Non official translation