Pedro Sánchez, to the victims of the DANA: "We will do everything we can to help you"

President's News - 2024.10.30

Moncloa Palace, Madrid

30/10/2024. Institutional statement by the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez. The President of the Government of Spain, Pe... The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, during his institutional statement, on the occasion of the effects produced by the DANA (Pool Moncloa/José Manuel Álvarez)

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The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has made an institutional declaration to send a message of "solidarity and affection" to the families of all the victims of the storm that yesterday caused severe flooding in different towns in Valencia and Castilla-La Mancha.

"The whole of Spain weeps with you. Our absolute priority is to help you," said the president, who assured that the public administrations are working in a coordinated manner. "We will do whatever it takes: today, tomorrow and for as long as it takes for us to recover from this tragedy. We will not leave you alone," he continued.

During the appearance, the president thanked the work of the emergency personnel who continue to work in the affected areas and are "our best bulwark against adversity." The head of the Executive recognised the work of firefighters, members of the Military Emergency Unit (UME), national and local police officers, the Guardia Civil, NGOs, the third sector and all the citizens' movements in towns and cities that are working to help their neighbours: "Your dedication is a source of hope and pride for all of us."

Pedro Sánchez has warned of the need to "not lower our guard," as indicated by the AEMET alerts, which have issued orange warnings for Andalusia and Valencia, and yellow warnings in Aragón, Castilla y León, Catalonia, Extremadura, Navarre, La Rioja and Ceuta.

"I ask those who live there to exercise extreme caution and safety measures. Keep off the road. Avoid driving near ravines, watercourses and streams. And to heed at all times the recommendations of the emergency services and the State Law Enforcement Forces and Agencies," requested the president, who underlined the national capacity to respond to this type of episode.

"Our country always gives its best in crises like this one. We did it in the pandemic, for storm Filomena and in the volcanic eruption on La Palma. And we will do it again now," he concluded.

Crisis Committee

The president assured that the Government crisis committee set up last night to monitor the effects of the storm would continue to work with the regional presidents and the mayors of the affected municipalities 24 hours a day.

The crisis committee contacted the presidents of Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha, Murcia and Andalusia, as well as the Government delegates in these territories, and placed all the necessary means at their disposal. This morning it held its second meeting chaired by Pedro Sánchez on his arrival in Spain after his trip to the Republic of India.

Non official translation