Pedro Sánchez announces in Senegal the creation of the ' Africa Avanza Alliance' to promote economic and sustainable growth in the region

President's News - 2024.8.28

Cervantes Institute, Dakar (Senegal)

28/08/2024. Pedro Sanchez travels to Senegal. The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, with participants of the The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, with participants of the "Tierra Firme" training programme (Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo)

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The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, this afternoon closed an event at the Cervantes Institute in Dakar, Senegal, where he announced the creation of the Africa Avanza Alliance as part of his African tour of the countries of Mauritania, Gambia and Senegal. The event was also attended by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Enterprise, Carlos Cuerpo, and the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz.

President Sánchez highlighted the "importance and validity" of the close relations that unite Spain and Senegal. An example of this is the establishment three years ago of the Cervantes Institute in Dakar, the first city in sub-Saharan Africa to host this centre. Sánchez stressed that the Cervantes Institute is a symbol of what Spain will continue to do in the region: to strengthen its presence, support and collaboration to promote the sustainable and balanced development of its societies.

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, accompanied by Ministers Carlos Cuerpo and Elma Saiz, attends the signing of collaboration agreements between Spain and Senegal | Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo

In this regard, the President announced the creation of the Africa Avanza Alliance, a new constitutional framework which, by encouraging collaboration between local authorities, Spanish administrations, international financial institutions and companies, will contribute to the promotion of specific investments in West Africa and foster economic and productive development in the region, generating employment and leveraging the continent's existing human capital, the objective of which, the President of the Government pointed out, is for "thousands of young Africans to see their dream of training and access to quality jobs come true".

This initiative is supported by the European Investment Bank, the World Bank and the African Development Bank, as well as by a number of companies. As an example of the potential of the new Alliance, Hispasat's president, Pedro Duque, has presented an initial project that will improve connectivity and digitisation in Senegal with the deployment of 150 installations. An agreement has also been signed between COFIDES and Senegal's Sovereign Fund for Strategic Investments, FONSIS, which will facilitate the channelling of productive investments in the country.

The Spanish government has launched various initiatives in the country, including "Tierra Firme", a training programme that aims to provide professional development opportunities for 500 young Senegalese people, training them for stable employment opportunities identified by Spanish companies established in the country.

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, with participants of the "Tierra Firme" training programme | Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo

The President of the Government pointed out that "there are people who choose to emigrate on a regular basis" and that these are precisely the people who open up pathways to prosperity and the economic and cultural development of both countries. The circular migration approach advocated by Spain and supported by Senegal is based on the principles of justice and equity.

However, President Sánchez said that, although steps must continue to be taken in this direction, it must not be forgotten that security is also a "top priority". In this respect, he pointed out that Spain will continue to strengthen bilateral relations with Senegal in this regard and that it is "essential" to return those who have arrived in Spain illegally in order to send a "discouraging and forceful" message to the mafias that traffic in human beings.

Non official translation