The President of the Government of Spain discusses with the president of Amazon the commitments of multinationals in Spain to investment and job creation

President's News - 2024.6.21

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Moncloa Palace, Madrid

Pedro Sánchez, who was accompanied by the Minister for Digital Transformation and Public Function, José Luis Escrivá, and the Director of the Office of Economic Affairs and G20, Manuel de la Rocha, praised Amazon's strong commitment to Spain in terms of investment, both in the field of logistics and cloud services, and its support for stable employment. For his part, the president and CEO of Amazon announced to the chief executive that the number of permanent jobs provided by the company in Spain reached a volume of 25,000 by the end of 2023, two years ahead of schedule.

Jassy also conveyed to Pedro Sánchez the company's commitment to Spain in terms of investment in sustainable digital and logistics infrastructures, which have a high impact on job creation, territorial cohesion, innovation, SMEs and sustainability.

Amazon Web Services announced last May that it will spend more than €15.7 billion in Spain on data centres, a figure that multiplies by six times the investment initially planned in our country and which, according to its calculations, will involve the creation of 17,500 jobs. This investment is an important boost to the objective of making Spain the 'data hub of southern Europe', as set out in the Plan for Connectivity and Digital Infrastructure.

Non official translation