The President of the Government of Spain presents the Gold Plaque of the Royal Order of Sports Merit to the 1984 Spanish basketball team and the Grand Cross to Laia Palau

President's News - 2024.5.31

Moncloa Palace, Madrid

31/05/2024. Sports merit recognition event. The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, during his speech in the act of deliver... The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, during his speech in the act of delivery of the Golden Plaque and the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Sports Merit (Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo)

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In his speech, Pedro Sánchez pointed out that with this award "we are honouring two important sporting careers", one individual and the other collective, "that have marked the history of Spanish sport", but "above all" "great people who exemplify extraordinary values", which "today we must recognise more than ever: commitment, dedication, humility, authenticity, solidarity and teamwork; essential in a sport that has made Spain a world benchmark".

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, delivers the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Sports Merit to the basketball player Laia Palau | Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo

As he explained, "We are honouring Laia Palau for inspiring others with her exemplary career in basketball; for contributing through her successful career to the rise in popularity of women's basketball", after "decades of unfair marginalisation". And we are also honouring the players from that unique Los Angeles 84 team, for bringing to Spain, along with their Olympic silver medal, the passion for a such a unique sport as basketball". The President reiterated that this is a team which "was masterfully led by an exceptional human being called Antonio Díaz Miguel", and of which Fernando Martín was also a member: "a true pioneer" who "opened the doors to the best league in the world", the NBA.

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, delivers the Golden Plate of the Royal Order of Sports Merit to the 1984 Spanish Basketball Team | Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo

Commitments made by the Government of Spain

Pedro Sánchez pointed out that this tribute is also "an opportunity to make commitments and take on duties". The first and most important, he said, is "to support the practice of sport at all levels, with policies, investments, facilities and scholarships. Through administrative facilities, removing barriers and earmarking resources".

A second responsibility would be "to promote high-level competition, such as that embodied by Laia Palau, but also to ensure that being a heroine is not the only way to have a successful sporting career. That merits in sport should not be added to an infinite capacity to overcome social obstacles, to reconcile or to cope with economic limitations. That is to say, we do not have to deal with the machismo that, unfortunately, still survives in our society", and, if desired and if talent and effort allow it, an athlete can become a professional.

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, during his speech in the act of delivery of the Golden Plaque and the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Sports Merit | Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo

For this reason, he concluded, "the best recognition we can give to an exceptional athlete like Laia is to ensure that careers like hers are no longer the exception. And the best tribute we can pay to a great team, which sparked an era for Spanish basketball, is to make sure that this momentum is maintained for at least another 40 years. This is not just a commitment made by the Government of Spain - I am sure that is it also one made by the whole country, which has today been recognised for its excellence in sport".

The ceremony was also attended by the Minister for Education, Vocational Training and Sports, Pilar Alegría; the President of the Spanish Basketball Federation, Elisa Aguilar; and the Olympic champion and receiver of the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Sports Merit, Theresa Zabell. Juan Antonio San Epifanio, Fernando Arceaga, Andrés Jiménez, Josep María Margall, José Luis Llorente, Juanma López Iturriaga, José Manuel Beirán, Juan Domingo de la Cruz, Fernando Romay, Juan Antonio Corbalán, Ignacio Solozábal, Antonio Martín (brother of Fernando Martín) and Eva Latorre (widow of Antonio Díaz Miguel) attended on behalf of the 1984 Spanish basketball team.

Non official translation