Pedro Sánchez meets with relatives of Israeli hostages kidnapped by the terrorist group Hamas

President's News - 2024.2.6

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Moncloa Palace, Madrid

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, has received eight relatives of Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas during the terrorist attacks of 7 October at Moncloa Palace. Among the attendees was also a hostage released in one of the temporary lulls in hostilities between Israel and Hamas.

During the meeting, the president and the families exchanged their views on the conflict and the possible solutions that Spain and the international community can offer to achieve the immediate release of the hostages still in the hands of Hamas.

In this regard, Sánchez has conveyed the position that the Government of Spain has maintained from the outset: categorical condemnation of the atrocious terrorist attacks committed by Hamas on 7 October and a request for the immediate and unconditional release of all the hostages.

Spain has worked from the outset to find a definitive solution that would halt the spiral of violence in the Middle East, advocating an immediate ceasefire, the release of all hostages and the holding of an international peace conference from which the solution of the two states, Israel and Palestine, coexisting in peace and security would emerge.

Non official translation