Visit to the MareNostrum 5 supercomputer facility

Pedro Sánchez underlines the Government's commitment to making Spain a European leader in supercomputing and to strengthening the EU's strategic autonomy

President's News - 2023.3.10

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Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (National Supercomputing Centre), Barcelona

"This project exemplifies our country's commitment to the R&D&i system as a vector of growth for Spain. After a lost decade with a lack of economic resources, we now have the ideal regulatory framework, a Science Law that gives researchers stability and certainty", stressed the chief executive, who also conveyed his condolences to the families and colleagues of the three people who died in Thursday's tragic accident at the Súria mine.

The MareNostrum 5 supercomputer, which will have a total investment of €220 million, reinforces Spain's leading position in supercomputing and is a clear demonstration of the government's commitment to the public-private collaboration model and to co-governance between administrations. This project also plays a key role in the Microelectronics and Semiconductor Strategic Project (PERTE Chip), through innovation, job creation and joint work with leading companies in the sector.

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, during his visit to the facilities of the 'MareNostrum 5' supercomputer, at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (National Supercomputing Centre) | Pool Moncloa/Borja Puig de la Bellacasa

In this regard, the outcome of the collaboration between the government and the technology company Intel will be a laboratory for the generation of new supercomputers, which will have an investment of €400 million and will involve the creation of up to 300 highly qualified jobs. "We share the vocation to turn Barcelona into the true European scientific capital", stated Pedro Sánchez, who was accompanied by the Minister for Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, and the Government Delegate in Catalonia, Maria Eugènia Gay.

More than 1,500 new jobs in Navantia

The President of the Government used his visit to Barcelona to announce the recruitment of more than 1,500 workers in the coming years by the public company Navantia, which plays a key role in another of the Executive's Strategic Projects, the PERTE Naval.

"We guarantee the activity and workload in the company's three centres in Ferrol, Bahía de Cádiz and Cartagena. These recruitments are the outcome of the major national and international contracts recently won by this great company," said President Sánchez.

A pension reform that brings security and stability

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, upon his arrival at the facilities of the 'MareNostrum 5' supercomputer, accompanied by the Minister for Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, and the director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center | Pool Moncloa/Borja Puig de la Bellacasa

The chief executive has also valued the presentation, at the social dialogue table, of a pension reform that will guarantee the purchasing power of pensioners and strengthen the fairness and sustainability of the public pension system for the coming decades.

"What we are doing with this reform, and thanks to the agreement with the EU institutions and the social partners, is to give our elderly and their present and future pensions security and stability", Pedro Sánchez highlighted.

Reducing the pay gap and boosting STEM careers

In a week marked by the feminist struggle for equality, the president has underlined the executive's commitment to reducing the wage gap between men and women, as well as the promotion of STEM vocations (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to overcome the under-representation of women in these subjects.

In this regard, the chief executive highlighted the importance of the Science Act and the Law on Joint Representation to consolidate progress in equality, through measures such as the increase in the minimum wage and other unprecedented actions relating to the work-family life balance.

"Half of the population must share half of the power, be it political or economic. Some may find this too much, but for us it is a question of justice. In short, you can count on the government's full support to make Spain a country of science and a country of women scientists", said President Sánchez.

Non official translation

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