The President of the Government of Spain meets with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands

Sánchez assures Rutte of Spain's interest in deepening the common issues on the European agenda with the Netherlands

President's News - 2022.3.30

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Moncloa Palace, Madrid

During the meeting in Moncloa, the leaders discussed bilateral relations, NATO, the war in Ukraine and issues on the European agenda such as strategic autonomy, climate, energy, the new Migration and Asylum Pact, fiscal rules and the rule of law.

The President of the Government of Spain reaffirmed that "we are increasing our bilateral contact and liaising on issues on the European agenda, where we should continue to identify shared positions, as we did in the field of open strategic autonomy". In this regard, Spain and the Netherlands presented a 'non-paper' in 2021 in which they identified 13 key areas to explore in greater depth, such as the single market, digital transformation, innovation, health, environment and energy.

Security and defence

Sánchez recalled that strategic autonomy has two aspects: guaranteeing security and defence, which is why they both supported the Strategic Compass at the last European Council; and reducing dependence on energy and critical raw materials, semiconductors and artificial intelligence, and on the two fundamental issues health and food.

The leaders discussed the upcoming NATO Summit in Madrid on 29 and 30 June, where the Alliance's new Strategic Concept will be approved and the transatlantic link will be strengthened; an event that Sánchez and Rutte consider historic at a time when Europe's security is under threat.

They also addressed the consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the situation of the 4 million Ukrainian refugees and the nearly 7 million internally displaced persons. The President of the Government expressed his interest in allied countries persevering in their unity, aid and support for Ukraine, and in sanctions against Russia.

Sánchez and Rutte also discussed the fight against climate change and energy prices. "These months have shown that we do not have an electricity market prepared for stressful situations such as the one we are experiencing, as it is right now damaging consumers, SMEs and the industrial sector", the President of the Government recalled.

Spain, with 27% of EU regasification capacity and 30% of LNG storage capacity, can and will play a key role in supply. "Now more than ever, EU action must be geared towards green transition, as this is the best solution to reduce our energy dependence," said Sánchez.

The leaders also agreed to continue working together in the areas of economic governance and banking union and discussed other issues on the European agenda, such as the new Pact on Migration and Asylum and the rule of law.

Trade relations between Spain and the Netherlands

Foto: Pool Moncloa/Borja Puig de la BellacasaSpain and the Netherlands have an excellent economic relationship. The Netherlands is the eighth largest recipient of Spanish exports and our sixth largest supplier. The country's investment in Spain is more than 17.315 billion euros, compared to more than 1.3 billion euros in the opposite direction. Likewise, there are a large number of Spanish companies present in Spain, and the head of the Executive has encouraged them to participate in the National Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

During the meeting, Sánchez noted the new business opportunities for Spanish companies in the Netherlands, in sectors such as transport infrastructure and industry, especially in renewable energies.

The President of the Government of Spain and the Prime Minister also discussed the tourism sector, Spain having received more than 3.5 million Dutch visitors a year before the pandemic, a figure that our country hopes to recover in the near future.

Non official translation