Pedro Sánchez: "The time to invest in the digitalisation of Spain is now"

President's News - 2021.9.15

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IBM's head office, Madrid

In light of the recent commitments made by companies such as IBM and Microsoft, Sánchez stressed the importance of Spain as a technological investment destination. They are tangible proof that Spain "is generating sufficient incentives and the right climate to invest in digitalisation", while highlighting the innovative capacity and willingness to modernise of Spanish public administrations and companies, as well as the ability to generate strategic alliances with global technology leaders.

Spain, digital data centre for southern Europe

The Government, in the words of the president, has set out to ensure that Spain achieves "excellence in the development of the digital infrastructures necessary for the data economy and the global flow of information", in the same way that it is now recognised worldwide for its capacity to develop physical infrastructures.

In fact, in the last five years, the growth of investment in neutral data centres in our country has been higher than in the previous fifteen years, he recalled. "Our goal is for this investment to continue until Spain is on a par with European leaders in data centre infrastructure and becomes the digital hub of southern Europe.

In his speech, he linked the goal of digital transformation leadership to the ambitious set of public investments and reforms developed under the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. He also pointed out that the plans to boost digitalisation are the result of collaboration with the private sector.

A 54.4 billion euro sector

Foto: Pool Moncloa/Borja Puig de la BellacasaThe president has committed to five major elements in this process, among which that to the data economy stands out. According to the European Commission, the national data economy was worth 29.7 billion euros in 2019, or 2.5% of Spain's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). "It is estimated that by 2025 this value could increase to 54.4 billion euros and represent 4.1% of GDP," Sánchez said.

To foster the development of the data economy, the Government of Spain is deploying an intense regulatory, political and funding effort that ranges from the Spain Digital 2025strategy to the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy, the Plan for Connectivity and Digital Infrastructures and the Strategy for the Promotion of 5G Technology.

Real transformer of the Spanish economy

In addition, the President of the Government of Spain pointed out that another of the main pillars for the transformation of the country is to undertake an enormous public effort to create the right environment to accelerate the digitalisation of the economy, with the deployment of infrastructures, cybersecurity, stimulus for innovation, incentives for entrepreneurship and investment in human capital. This is in addition to support for R&D in disruptive digital technologies and public support for the digitalisation of the productive sectors. "Digitalisation is already transforming each and every one of our country's productive sectors," he said.

The final element that this process of digital transformation in our country must have, as he described it, is the inclusive nature with which the Government wants to provide to this process to guarantee social cohesion and people's rights. To this end, it has deployed initiatives such as the Digital Rights Charter and the advancement of the population's connectivity as a way of guaranteeing territorial cohesion and ensuring opportunities for women and young people.

Non official translation