President of the Government meets with Pope Francis at the Vatican

Pedro Sánchez commits to working together to build a fairer and more supportive world that defends the most vulnerable

President's News - 2020.10.24

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Vatican, Rome (Italy)

The President of the Government underlined the importance of cooperation between countries and multilateralism to tackle today's global challenges, such as social justice and environmental sustainability.

The President of the Government highlighted that it is increasingly more necessary to count on the collaboration of a large number of countries to tackle global challenges, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. In this regard, Pedro Sánchez pointed to the similarities between the view of international society that the Government of Spain and the latest social encyclical of the Pope "Fratelli Tutti" have, since both see a world where cooperation and solidarity are necessary based on fraternity.

One of the points that both leaders agree on is the need to fight climate change. Specifically, the encyclical "Laudatio si" contains the need to fight the climate emergency, with all available weapons. On this matter, Pedro Sánchez highlighted that the Government of Spain is at the forefront on this matter and is working on inter-generational responsibility, since its goal is for future generations to be able to continue enjoying an inhabitable and sustainable planet. Pedro Sánchez also stated that the emergency caused by this pandemic must not be allowed to divert our attention from other pressing matters such as this one.

Pact on Migration and Asylum

The two leaders also spoke about the new Pact on Migration and Asylum that the European Union is working on, which, according to Pedro Sánchez, must be based on solidarity and responsibility, but particularly on humanity. This issue is also addressed in "Fratelli Tutti". The President of the Government specified that the government considers that it is also key to address legal migration, something that has not been included to date in the Commission's proposal, which focuses on controlling illegal immigration. Pedro Sánchez argued to the Pope that a dignified response must be offered to people who wish to come to our continent.

Education is another of the matters on which Pedro Sánchez and Pope Francis share an interest. The President of the Government stated that they both agree on the idea that people should be at the heart of action on education and that work must continue on reducing all the gaps that affect girls and the most vulnerable. The President of the Government also stressed that society must encourage the participation of young people, families and the whole of society in the education challenge, since this is a fundamental tool for achieving social justice and offering genuine equal opportunities.

Following their meeting, they exchanged gifts. The President of the Government presented the Pope with a facsimile of the 'Libro de horas' [Book of Hours] by Bishop Juan Rodríguez de Fonseca. This copy, the original manuscript of which dates back to the 15th Century, is a book of prayer for private use that is richly illustrated. For his part, the Pope gave the President of the Government a double patina-finished bronze plaque that represents mercy, shelter and fraternity with seven verses that correspond to his encyclicals and apostolic exhortations.

The President of the Government then met with the Secretary for Relations with States, Monsignor Paul Richard Gallagher, with whom he addressed issues of mutual interest, with both parties underlining their interest in continuing to step up the already close collaboration.

Non official translation