Pedro Sánchez claims before United Nations that 2030 Agenda is roadmap for Government of Spain
President's News - 2019.9.25
Images of the arrival of Pedro Sánchez to the Goalkeepers event of the Gates Foundation | Pool Moncloa/Jorge Villar - 2019.9.25
02:00 Images of the arrival of Pedro Sánchez to the Goalkeepers event of the Gates Foundation
00:25 Images of the bilateral meeting between President Sanchez and the Head of Government of...
01:21 Images of Pedro Sanchez at the Bloomberg Forum
00:45 Interview with President Sanchez on the Bloomberg channel
New York (United States)
"For Spain, the 2030 Agenda is a national roadmap to tackle current challenges and contribute to shared and sustainable development at a global level", claimed Acting President of the Government Sánchez, who also explained the transforming policies and measures being implemented by the Government of Spain in key areas to speed up the progress of the SDG as a whole. The Action Plan in Spain for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, which encompasses a set of actions known as policy levers, includes the adoption of the National Strategy to Fight Poverty, the Strategic Energy and Climate Framework, the Strategic Plan for Equal Opportunities and for Gender Equality, the New Spanish Urban Agenda, the Master Plan for Dignified Work and the Master Plan for Development Cooperation.
Pool Moncloa/Borja Puig de la BellacasaDuring the morning, the Acting President of the Government also took part in the inaugural session of the 'Goalkeepers' event, organised by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, dedicated to the fight against global inequality, at which he set out the steps Spain will take to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, and stressed that the 2030 Agenda "is our action plan to transform our societies and achieve a sustainable and inclusive future without leaving anyone behind, which is crucial", said Pedro Sánchez before a full auditorium at the Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York.
The Acting President of the Government stressed the importance of achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, to which end he announced that Spain will contribute 100 million euros over the next five years to the United Nations Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund and 100 million euros over the next three years to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. "You can count on Spain to transform the future", underlined Pedro Sánchez.
In his subsequent talks with the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, and with Bill and Melinda Gates, the Acting President of the Government stressed that he shares the values and goals of the Gates Foundation to reduce global inequalities and attain effective equal opportunities, regardless of the place of origin, sexual orientation or gender identity, and to attain full equality between men and women.
At the end of the day, the Acting President of the Government will visit 'Little Spain', a market of Spanish products and restaurants in New York, headed up by the Spanish chefs José Andrés and the brothers Albert and Ferran Adriá. He will also take part in the Infinity Classroom experience, called by the former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah, with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of guaranteeing the universal right to education.
Non official translation
More Info
- Speech by Acting President of the Government at Sustainable Development Goals Summit
- Speech by Acting President of the Government at 'Goalkeepers' event of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Transcript of the press conference by Acting President of the Government
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