​European Council

"The economy is recovering and the European Union is moving ahead, leading to increased citizen confidence in a better future", says Mariano Rajoy

President's News - 2017.6.23

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Brussels (Belgium)

At a press conference following the close of the European Council held on Thursday 22 and Friday and 23 June in the Belgian capital, Mariano Rajoy highlighted the "greater climate of stability" in which this event unfolded, since both the economy and the confidence in the European project are on the rise. "There was a high level of debate, but also of efficacy in resolving issues. The economic crisis and its effects on the European project are being left further behind, the economy is recovering and the European Union is moving ahead, which is leading to increasingly improved citizen confidence in a better future", he stressed.

In this regard, he congratulated the EU on being awarded the Princess of Asturias Award for Concord this week, recognition of "one of the noblest and most successful political projects ever", he pointed out, which, 60 years after its foundation, "continues to push through policies to unite more than 500 million people and improve their daily lives".

Coordination on counter-terrorism

Mariano Rajoy stated that the work of this European Council has been guided by the goal of protecting citizens and addressing their concerns and needs.

Consejo EuropeoFirstly, he explained, the Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their commitment to counter-terrorism through greater coordination. Specifically, they backed the creation of mechanisms to control people coming in and out of the European Union, the necessary databases for this and the computerised methods for authorising travel to a European territory.

Furthermore, in order to combat terrorism at source, a proposal was made to intensify the resources given over to fighting radicalisation and a call was made for support from the Internet access industry and its content providers. Upon an initiative from Spain, special attention was paid to victims, with such initiatives as the drafting of a European Charter of Victims' Rights, which strengthens protection throughout the EU, pointed out the President of the Government.

Structured cooperation on defence

Questions related to the external defence and security of the EU were also tackled in depth at the Council meeting. Mariano Rajoy stressed that European defence is one of the areas in which European integration can make the most progress. Spain, he added, is one of the main backers of this policy, as reflected by the fact that it is the leading contributor to military operations undertaken by the European Union.

The President of the Government expressed his satisfaction at the Council agreeing on "an agenda defined so as to launch continuous structured cooperation within reasonable time spans". He also described the involvement of the European Commission in defence affairs through the European Defence Fund as "an historic event".

Economic recovery and trade opportunities

At an economic level, the President of the Government underlined that the atmosphere is one of "greater optimism" and that all the countries in the EU are coming out of the crisis with growth which, in the case of Spain, "is particularly robust".

Consejo EuropeoIn this regard, he underlined that Spain has received three recommendations this year, one fewer than in 2016 and also fewer than those made to such countries as France, Italy and Portugal. "The lower number and ongoing content of the recommendations reflect the 180-degree about-turn experienced by the Spanish economy", he said. In his opinion, the figures for this year confirm the "strength of the recovery": Spain continues to head up growth in the EU; 500,000 jobs have been created in the first five months of the year and the export of goods has grown by 9.8% to April.

International trade and the internal market are the two main economic issues addressed at the meeting. As regards the first, the Council reiterated its conviction that this contributes to the creation of wealth and jobs, and hence it is necessary to promote it and combat protectionism. Trade should be opened up under equal conditions, in the opinion of Mariano Rajoy and as contained in the conclusions of the Council meeting. Spain also advocated pushing on with negotiations with MERCOSUR and with Mexico.

In terms of the internal market, the progress made in such fields as the energy union, the digital market and the capital market was also reviewed. Mariano Rajoy proposed increasing interconnections because this "leads to safer and cheaper energy, and that we should also show greater ambition in relation to renewable energies". He also welcomed the boost given to digitalisation in all its facets, from the markets and infrastructures to cyber-security and social and cultural aspects.

Migratory policy and asylum

Another fundamental challenge analysed at this European Council was migratory policy. Mariano Rajoy advocated the policy "we have been employing with our partners and which has led to positive results", based on developing the countries of origin and transit and in fighting those networks involved in human trafficking.

As regards the reform of the Common European Asylum System, he called for the future regulation to take into account the work being carried out by Member States which, like Spain, are investing efforts in controlling the external borders of the European Union.

Citizens, a Brexit priority

EFEAccording to Mariano Rajoy, the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, announced that she will present a proposal next week on citizens' rights following the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union. "We welcome the fact that priority is being given to citizens, as indeed Spain has been advocating from the very outset of the process. We will closely analyse the British proposal to find the most beneficial formula for our citizens", stated Mariano Rajoy, who held a meeting with Theresa May during the Council.

The President of the Government pointed to the need to make progress on two other issues before going into the second phase in which the future relations between the EU and the United Kingdom will be negotiated: the UK's economic contribution to the EU and the case of Ireland.

On another note, the 27 members met with the Chief Brexit Negotiator, Michel Barnier, to exchange impressions on the first round of negotiations, which began last Monday. They also adopted a joint proposal from the President of the European Council and the European Commission, Donald Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker, respectively, on the procedure relating to the re-location of the European Medicines Agency and the European Banking Authority, whose headquarters are currently located in the United Kingdom.

The European Commission, pointed out Mariano Rajoy, will analyse the different candidatures under objective criteria and a decision will be taken in November. The President of the Government of Spain expressed his conviction that Barcelona "boasts the best conditions" to host the European Medicines Agency, "above all to guarantee that the agency's activities are not delayed by its re-location".

Current affairs

When asked about the position of the PSOE in response to the pro-independence challenge, Mariano Rajoy stated that he has "no doubts" regarding this party's support for the defence of the unity of Spain and national sovereignty.

Consejo EuropeoIn relation to the proposal accepted at the latest Federal Committee of the PSOE to consider Spain as a plurinational State, he declared that he is in favour of the existence of nationalities and regions, as contained in the Spanish Constitution. "It is what we agreed to back then, what we voted for, and I do not believe that it makes any sense to go round in circles for reasons which, furthermore, have not been explained to us", he said.

As regards a possible meeting with the General Secretary of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, he pointed out that this will take place "whenever the Socialist leader wants, and moreover, I believe it would be good for us to do so".

In relation to the opposition to the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the EU and Canada, the President of the Government considered that this is "very difficult to explain", since the standards in this country are very similar to those of the EU on matters of rights and freedoms and on the environment.

"We are all aware of the very important decisions adopted by other countries on the international stage; I believe that Europe - and to the extent of my possibilities, I will also do this - must defend free trade because that is what is best for the people", he concluded.