"This budget will contribute to continued job creation", says Mariano Rajoy
President's News - 2017.5.31
Lower House of Parliament, Madrid
While speaking to the media in the corridors of the Lower House of Parliament, Mariano Rajoy said that "it is good news that Spain can have a General State Budget" and highlighted that it was made possible by the agreement between seven political forces.
The President of the Government linked the approval of this budget to the improving economic situation. "There is growth, jobs are being created and this budget will support continued job creation - 500,000 jobs this year - which is the main goal", he said. Mariano Rajoy added that, due to the increased allocations for the regional governments in this budget, public spending on healthcare and education will increase.
"We are satisfied and we will keep working, but I believe that today Spain is sending a positive message of stability, confidence and credibility in its institutions to all economic and social stakeholders both within Spain and overseas", concluded the President of the Government.
Following approval of the draft budget on Wednesday by the Plenary Session of the Lower House of Parliament, it will now be sent to the Upper House of Parliament. If the latter makes neither amendments not vetoes the document, the budget will be definitively approved. If amendments are approved or the draft text is vetoed, the budget will again be discussed at a final session in the Lower House of Parliament so that MPs can decide whether to maintain or reject the changes made in the Upper House of Parliament.