Government control session in Upper House
Mariano Rajoy announces that registration in the National Youth Guarantee System will henceforth become automatic for job seekers
President's News - 2017.3.21
Upper House of Parliament, Madrid
During his speech at the government control session in the Upper House of Parliament, Mariano Rajoy acknowledged that youth unemployment remains very high and that job creation remains the priority of his government. However, he maintained, there are positive figures that point to an improvement in the situation. "Over the last three years, youth unemployment has fallen by more than 12 points; 367,500 young people have found a job, the rate of job creation among young people stands at 7.6% - double the general average - and permanent employment contracts have enjoyed an upward trend for the last 37 months".
In response to a question from the Member of the Upper House for the Socialist Group, Vicente Álvarez Areces, the President of the Government recalled that many actions have been taken in order to incentivise the hiring of young people, such as discounts in National Insurance contributions, support for the recruitment of young researchers, tailor-made programmes on career guidance and specific training plans.
Furthermore, Mariano Rajoy announced that, as from Tuesday, all young people who renew or register as job seekers at the Employment Offices will automatically be included in the National Youth Guarantee System.
The President of the Government also pointed out that, in mid-April, he will meet with the regional governments and with economic and social stakeholders to study the most effective way to create jobs for young people.
Regional financing
Pool Moncloa/ J.M.CuadradoMariano Rajoy stated that the government will try to approve a new system of regional financing this year, but clarified that this depends neither on him nor his group, since it does not hold a sufficient majority in the Lower House.
In response to the representative for the Mixed Group, Javier Alegre, who enquired after the criteria to undertake a reform of the system as agreed at the latest Conference of Regional Presidents, Mariano Rajoy called for "responsibility" and "common sense" from all groups in order to reach an understanding. "The question is for all of us to be able to reach an agreement".
According to the President of the Government, the current model of financing "is not good", and hence we must assess how it has operated and "correct certain aspects such as the volatility and lag in the payment of revenue to some regional governments to finance their own powers".
Mariano Rajoy explained that the new model will have to guarantee a minimum level of services in all regions, define a common portfolio in fundamental areas and ensure stable financing regardless of the economic situation. "The question is for all citizens to have access to the same level and quality of basic public services wherever they may live and whoever they may be".
The President of the Government added that the most important aspect to reform the model "is the funding available", and hence the priority is to create jobs so that revenue rises and fundamental public services can be financed: healthcare, education and social services.
Mariano Rajoy recalled that a committee of experts is working with "absolute independence" to present its proposals to the government, within a period of six months. "I have to let them state their opinion, I will then make my proposal and it will be Parliament that takes the final decision", he said.
Local consultations
Pool Moncloa/ J.M.CuadradoThe President of the Government expressed he was in favour of local consultations by "conviction" and because "they are authorised in the Spanish Constitution", although he stressed that "provided they are in line with prevailing legislation".
This was the response offered by Mariano Rajoy to the Spokesperson for the Basque Parliamentary Group, Jokin Bildarratz, who asked for the freedom for municipalities to allow their citizens to hold consultations.
The President of the Government pointed out that in Spain, including the Basque Country, many consultations have been made on local issues, such as on waste collection and local festivities. "There is a regulated procedure, this must be agreed at the plenary session of the local council and authorised by the Government of the Nation, and be limited to questions under the authority of the local council, excluding the local Treasury", he remarked.