​ "We have a duty to ensure the success of the EU", says Mariano Rajoy

President's News - 2017.3.15

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Lower House of Parliament, Madrid

During his speech, Mr Rajoy referred both to the European Council meeting held in Brussels on 9 March and to the informal meeting of the 27 on the 10th. He explained that on the first day they re-elected Donald Tusk as President of the European Council until 30 November 2019, a decision he said guarantees "stability for the institutions".

After noting that "the European Union has overcome the worst of the economic crisis", the President of the Government explained that an agreement was reached in Brussels to maintain the priorities of recent years: boost investment, continue with structural reforms and apply responsible fiscal policies.

Balanced growth

Mariano Rajoy went over data demonstrating that today "the Spanish economy is an example of recovery, contributes stability to the Euro, is growing and creates jobs." He insisted that Spanish growth is "balanced", so if the current trend continues, the unemployment rate could be "around 13% by the end of 2019".

The President of the Government explained the elements he considers "essential" for continued economic growth and job creation, both in the EU and Spain: improving the reforms already implemented (it is fundamental to enhance the single market and maintain the so-called Juncker Plan), continue with fiscal consolidation and boost foreign trade (with a special mention of the trade agreement entered into with Canada and also those that are being negotiated with MERCOSUR and Mexico).

Immigration, security and defence

Pool Moncloa/J.M. CuadradoThe recent European Council meeting also tackled the issue of immigration, which according to Mariano Rajoy, the EU has to address with "strategic patience, intelligence and generosity". He insisted that "the principles that must oversee our efforts are dialogue and cooperation with the countries of origin and transit".

The President of the Government said the Brussels meeting valued the "new security and defence initiatives", and demonstrated the "total commitment of the European Union" to support all the Member States "in guaranteeing their internal security and the fight against terrorism".

In this respect, Mariano Rajoy added that the EU must continue to move forward along the path of "providing uniform attention to victims, recognising the dignity they deserve and highlighting the importance of their story in the fight against terrorism".

The EU meeting of the 27

Before dealing with the content of the informal meeting of the 27 on the 10th, Mr Rajoy recalled that the 60th anniversary of the signing of the foundational texts of European construction will be commemorated on 25 March in Rome. According to Mariano Rajoy, the statement agreed on that day "must be capable of marking a turning point and launching a message of hope, confidence and unity moving forward".

The President of the Government added that Europeans must project "three clear ideas": one, that the European Union is a success story; two, that the priority for the future must be to deal with citizens' problems "more intensely" and "more efficiently"; and three, that the future involves "greater and better integration".

The EU, a success story

Pool Moncloa/J. M. CuadradoMariano Rajoy stressed that "the European Union is a success story, and it is one at all levels." Proof of this, he explained, is that Europe has enjoyed "the greatest period of peace and prosperity in our history in the last 60 years". Currently, Europe not only represents the "most democratic" region in the world, but is also, together with the United States, the biggest global economy and the biggest trading power in the world.

He also noted that the 27 now have to "make an additional effort" to "become more efficient and resolve the problems that concern our citizens quicker". To do so, progress has to be made on migration and the control of external borders; on security and defence policy; and on economic growth, to maintain and improve the pillars of the Welfare State.

Greater integration

Mariano Rajoy explained that to achieve these objectives, some specific measures were agreed back at the Informal Summit in Bratislava held in September 2016. These measures included extending the Juncker Plan, completing the single market, constructing a sound commercial policy and tackling youth unemployment.

The President of the Government also insisted that the future of the European Union lies in "greater integration", completing the Banking Union, for which the Council is working on the creation of a Single Deposit Guarantee Scheme, as well as progress towards Fiscal Union.

Europe, an internal matter

Pool Moncloa/J.M.Cuadrado

In addition to stating that "being a member of the European Union is a privilege that many countries would like to share," Mariano Rajoy stressed the role played by Spain: "We are not just another country in the EU; we are one of the biggest in terms of territory, population and economic weight".

In this regard, the President of the Government referred to the "great leap forward" taken by Spain over the last 30 years since joining the EU, as Europe has represented "the extension of the horizon of all Spanish people and the multiplication of its opportunities".

Mariano Rajoy talked about the duty that Spain now has with respect to Europe: "Given that it is important to us, given that it is decisive for our future, we have a duty to ensure the success of the EU" because, he added, "what happens to it as a whole, or to each member, affects Spanish people, and vice versa".

In light of this, the President of the Government ended his speech with the assurance that "Europe must be, and more so every day, an internal matter, a task that concerns all of us at home, one that is inseparable from the welfare of each and every Spanish person today and in the future".