"The shared wish is for the United Kingdom to be a close partner of the EU with balanced rights and obligations", says Mariano Rajoy
President's News - 2016.6.29
The President of the Government explained that, having heard Tuesday night from the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, the other EU members adopted "a line of action for the EU-27" without the UK Prime Minister present on Wednesday morning, to be implemented while waiting for the British Government "to formally launch the procedure through which it will officially declare its desire to withdraw from the EU".
Mariano Rajoy stressed that, "with the sense of sadness that the referendum result represents for the Government of Spain", Spain's priority in the process to be launched following the British request "will be to defend the interests of Spanish citizens and, at the same time, defend the European integration project".
"I would like to point out that, at the present time and until the entire process provided for in Article 50 of the EU Treaty is applied, all Spanish citizens residing in the United Kingdom and all British citizens residing in Spain maintain their rights as European citizens, whether as workers, business owners, pensioners, students or tourists", said the President of the Government. This fact, he added, "should provide peace of mind, calm and certainty, and nothing will change while the new future relationship between the United Kingdom and the EU is being defined".
Mariano Rajoy stressed that the "common wish [of the EU-27] is for, in the future, the United Kingdom to be a close partner of the European Union with balanced rights and obligations". For this reason, it has been agreed that "access to the internal market will require acceptance of the four freedoms" [free movement of goods, workers, services and capital].
Furthermore, he stressed that "economic growth, employment and the fight against inequality" must be the priorities for the European Union in the years ahead, meaning it must remain united.
The President of the Government announced that the next informal meeting of the European Council, due to be held on 16 September in Bratislava, must open "a period of political momentum on the future of the union among the EU-27 under the leadership of the European Council".
Consejo Europeo
Other issues discussed at the European Council
The President of the Government went on to mention other issues discussed at the European Council, such as migration, "with a special focus on the eastern Mediterranean and the EU commitments with Turkey", as well as the proposal from the European Commission to cooperate with non-Member States in this regard.
Mariano Rajoy said that the European Council also discussed economic issues. "The cycle of macroeconomic supervision has come to an end, the so-called European Semester, with endorsement of the specific recommendations for each country". Furthermore, "new goals" have been set "for further developing the internal market on such matters as the digital economy and, at the request of Spain, a reference to the single energy market was included". Development of the Investment Plan for the EU was also discussed, as were the ongoing international negotiations and the work on international taxation.
As regards international relations, the President of the Government said that "the new EU global strategy for foreign affairs and security policy presented by the High Representative" was welcomed, "cooperation relations between NATO and the EU" were analysed and "developments in Libya were presented".
Consejo EuropeoWhen asked about the situation in Scotland following the result of the referendum in the United Kingdom, Mariano Rajoy said that Scotland has no powers to negotiate with the European Union under the EU Treaties. "The Government of Spain is opposed - I am absolutely convinced that everyone agrees on this - to such negotiations taking part with anyone other than the Government of the United Kingdom", he said.
He went on to stress that, "if the United Kingdom leaves, during the negotiation or whenever it leaves, Scotland also leaves the European Union institutions".
Negotiations for the new Government of Spain
As regards the formation of the new Government of Spain, the President of the Government advocated for "as much speed as possible" and for that government to have "ample parliamentary support" and for a term of four years. In his opinion, that would provide security and confidence, and would allow the economic recovery to be consolidated, jobs to continue being created and the pending reforms to be tackled. If that is not possible, he said, "we will try to govern with the votes and support provided to us by the people of Spain".
Mariano Rajoy announced that, as from Thursday, he will start to speak with the leaders of the various political forces to gauge "their willingness" and hear their ideas. "The most important thing right now is to have a willingness to reach some sort of understanding aimed at resolving this situation. Then we can get down to specifics", he said.
Collaboration against terrorism
Consejo EuropeoAs regards the attack carried out on Tuesday night at the international airport in Istanbul, the President of the Government, who began his speech by condemning the attack and expressing the solidarity of the Spanish people with the Turkish nation, stressed that "terrorism is a global threat needing a global response".
The President of the Government pointed out to the media that the fight against terrorism requires political support and the greatest possible collaboration between the intelligence services and the security forces of the various countries involved. He also said that he is in touch with the Minister for Home Affairs and the Minister for Foreign Affairs and that, "as far as we know thus far", no Spanish citizens have been directly affected. Spain is providing assistance to a number of people who have been unable to leave the airport in Istanbul, he added.