Mariano Rajoy defends 2016 Budget as "credible and rigorous"

President's News - 2015.10.21

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Lower House of Parliament, Madrid

On Wednesday morning in the Lower House of Parliament, the President of the Government answered questions from MPs Aitor Esteban, of the PNV party; Rosa Díez, of the UPyD party; and Pedro Sánchez, of the PSOE party. In his answers, Mariano Rajoy acknowledged that, although "it has been tough and difficult", the overall result from the legislature now drawing to close is "positive".

Four years ago, he recalled, "Spain was in recession and posting negative growth", whereas today it is growing at a rate of "3%, the highest in Europe". Unemployment was rising by 9% year-on-year back then, while now it is falling by almost 8% year-on-year. Other indicators are also showing positive results, such as exports, tourism, trade and credit. The main objective he set for this legislature during his investiture speech has therefore been achieved: "to stem the flow of unemployment, achieve growth and create jobs".

The Welfare State has been maintained

Mariano Rajoy explained that the economic improvement has been the "product of many reforms" as well as public spending containment. "My government has made a fiscal consolidation effort and cut the deficit in half", he said.

Furthermore, he added that, thanks to all the decisions taken by the government, "we have managed to maintain the Welfare State, pensions and unemployment protection", as well as public services.

The deficit target will be met in 2016

As regards the General State Budget for 2016 approved yesterday, the President of the Government stated that "it is credible and rigorous" and will serve to meet the deficit target set for us. He stressed that it will enable "pensions to continue to rise", as well as public sector wages, while at the same time lowering taxes.

As regards the assessment from the European Commission of the General State Budget for 2016, President of the Government Rajoy explained that this institution has requested neither a rectification nor corrective measures, as suggested elsewhere. In actual fact, "it has repeated what it said in both 2013 and 2014", he added.

The President of the Government stressed that the European Commission has said that, in 2015, Spain will reduce its public deficit by 1.3%, as well as stating that Spain is "a fine example of correct action and compliance with the excessive deficit procedure".