Statement by President of the Government following constitution of Lower House of Parliament


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President of the Government.- I hope that this legislature is a lasting one and I hope that the political forces focus on what is important and act seriously, in line with the mandate from the Spanish people who have said that we must understand each other and get down to work.

This morning I have made a commitment to what I believe is the most sensible course looking to the future. Here we have three parties that agree on the key issues, three parties that account for more than 250 MPs in the Lower House, that are in a position to undertake the reforms that Spain needs by consensus and that, moreover, can send out a positive message abroad - to investors, markets and rating agencies - and also within Spain, to the economic and social stakeholders, in order to bed down the economic recovery and continue creating jobs which, in my opinion, should continue to be the main priority over the next four years.

I believe that we are entering a period of rapprochement, of agreements and common sense, and of course my party is going to work so that this can be achieved and so that this legislature can last for four years, being the normal term of office, and is what our people are calling for and have voted for.

Thank you very much.