Moncloa Palace
A very good day to everyone.
Today we all feel hard hit by the brutal attacks in Paris. The people of Spain are well aware of what this pain feels like and we have suffered this ourselves firsthand. That is why today, at this time of pain, we want to send out a message to our French friends that we empathise with them, that they can count on us, that we feel their tragedy as if it were our own and that we stand together, with all other democrats around the world, to defend our shared values.
There are neither grounds that can justify yesterday's atrocities nor beliefs that can support them. We are not faced with a religious war, but rather a fight between civilisation and barbarism. All human beings that defend life, liberty and open societies feel hard hit and threatened by those who wish to do away with this way of life that we have built over centuries of progress and civilisation.
That is why today we are all France and that is why we all stand together in this fight and why we are going to win it. They may hurt us, as they did yesterday, but they cannot defeat us. They will never manage to make us renounce our liberty, our rights and our way of life.
Terror has never been able to defeat Europe. We will stand firm in our determination to fight terrorist barbarism. Violence and senselessness will never manage to sway our shared democratic convictions.
Last night, as soon as we became aware of the attacks, I spoke with the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, to whom I conveyed our support and solidarity. In the last few hours I have also spoken with the leaders of the main political parties, and in particular, with the Socialist leader, Mr Sánchez, with whom I signed a State Pact against Jihadi Terrorism at the beginning of the year. I also spoke with Mr Iglesias, with Mr Rivera and I am due to call Mr Toxo back and make another call to Ms Rosa Díez. And, at 11.45 this morning, I will speak with the President of the French Republic, François Hollande.
I believe that the unity and cooperation of democrats is the only way to successfully tackle the threat of terrorism. That is why I have given instructions to the Minister for Home Affairs to urgently call the members of the aforesaid Pact. Furthermore, I have given instructions to the Minister for Foreign Affairs to monitor the situation of the Spanish citizens that are in Paris to see if they have been affected by the attacks. To date, we only have news of one Spanish citizen having been injured.
I have also called a meeting of the National Security Council at 11 this morning to analyse the situation created by these attacks in Paris. As you are aware, our security forces are on a high level of alert and, in recent weeks, they have managed to deliver various blows to these networks of Jihadi terrorism. We are going to analyse the situation and we will step up security measures if we feel this is necessary.
We are going to offer France all our collaboration, which is already extensive, and step this up if it proves to be necessary. France has us on their side, not only in sharing its pain, but also in the fight against those who have caused it.
Thank you very much.