New York
President of the Government.- A very good afternoon to you all.
As you are aware, Spain is a member of the United Nations Security Council for the years 2015 and 2016, together with another 14 countries, following elections which you will recall very clearly. We managed to join, together with New Zealand, and now, this month, we are going to chair, we are already chairing, the Security Council. That is why the main reason for my presence here today is to attend a Council meeting tomorrow.
We have set certain priorities. Firstly, we care greatly about the role that victims of terrorism can play in the fight against terrorism and, for that reason, we will hold an event on 21 October here, which will be attended by victims of terrorism, and not just Spaniards, but also from the United States, and victims of DAESH and Boko Haram terrorism. We believe that this is an important event. Both the Minister for Foreign Affairs and for Home Affairs will attend.
Secondly, we care greatly about humanitarian issues, above all in Syria. At this time we wish to ensure that a humanitarian corridor is created through which help can reach out to people, and also to ensure that children who are suffering serious difficulties at this time can be schooled.
The Middle East is the third priority; and the fourth priority is the debate on improving the operation, the debate and decision-making of the Security Council; then there is another issue, which is very important, which we are going to tackle tomorrow, in relation to "Women, peace and security".
The fundamental aim is to see whether we are capable, and I hope so, to approve a resolution tomorrow that amends and updates the present resolution which goes back some years now, the fundamental aim of which is to protect women in situations of conflict, and also to offer them a role, or try to offer them a more important role, in the prevention and resolution of these conflicts.
Hence, I hope that this goes well tomorrow and that we manage to approve it. According to what the Ambassador has told me, there will be a significant representation from other countries, there are already more than 100 people, and hence 100 countries, that wish to take part and we hope that things can unfold in a reasonable manner.
Q.- President of the Government, the European Commission has once again insisted today that Spain will default on the deficit target and on its reforms. What do you think about that?
President of the Government.- Well I don't agree. Spain will not default on its deficit target. Since we came to power, we have always met the deficit targets and I should stress that on some occasions the body that has been wrong in this respect is the European Commission itself.
The European Commission says that in 2015 we are going to meet the target, and it is right, but in 2016 we are talking about several decimal points of default; but clearly we are very relaxed about this because Spain has now recovered economic activity, Spain has recovered jobs and this has all led to increased revenue, and hence, we can and will meet the deficit target.
The Commission is probably thinking about other times in which we deviated by up to three points, an issue I had to go through, but I am very relaxed, as indeed are the Spanish people, in knowing that we will meet the deficit target.
Q.- What do you think about the list of OECD countries in terms of youth unemployment?
President of the Government.- According to the International Monetary Fund, Spain is one of the countries around the world to enjoy the highest growth at this time. Just look, back in 2012 we were the weak man of Europe, but in 2015 everyone cites us an example, fundamentally due to the reforms we have carried out. According to the forecasts from the International Monetary Fund, Europe as a whole will grow this year by 1.5%, whereas Spain, in contrast, will grow by 3.1%, in other words, by more than double; much more than Germany, France, Italy..., than the major economies.
At this time, Spain is the European Union country that is creating the most jobs, by some considerable margin, and it is the European Union country that is creating the most jobs for young people, again by a wide margin- just read the Eurostat figures. It is true that this must be the main objective for the future. I think that in the next four years, unless we change economic policy, we can create some 2 million jobs at a rate of half a million a year. This year we will create 600,000 jobs and last year, the first year in which we created net employment, 440,000 jobs were created. Hence, by maintaining this policy and by growing, and indeed we will grow, at a rate of around 3% per annum, these 2 million jobs can be created and the situation will be much improved.
Q.- President of the Government, although the general elections are still almost three months away, statements are already being made by some leaders of other political parties. Today, Mr Rivera stated that, although the People's Party will win the elections, he does not agree that you will head up the next government. I don't know whether you have something to say about this.
President of the Government.- No. The only thing I have to say is that what I am involved in and will be involved in during the coming months, apart from to continue governing, is to try to convince the people of Spain that it is good for our country to continue with the People's Party's project. We took on a country on the verge of bankruptcy, in a situation with a clear and serious threat of a bailout. Spanish society has made a major effort and cannot throw this whole effort out of the window now and make the same mistakes again. So, that is what I am going to do but everyone else is most welcome to say whatever they deem fit and opportune.
Thank you very much.