Speech by President of the Government following visit to the headquarters of the 016 phone service and at presentation of campaign to combat gender-based violence


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Mr Minister, Madam State Secretary, Mr President of ARVATO, Madam Director of the 016 Centre, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

There is no better means of gauging a society than through its capacity to commit to worthy causes. Nowadays, the fight against gender-based violence is undoubtedly a national priority. It is a cause that must bring together all our efforts as diligently as possible, precisely because it is a drama that affects us deeply and which we cannot thus tolerate. For that same reason, the fight against gender-based violence calls for firm determination, hands-on support and highly effective policies.

I wish to start this speech by pausing for a moment to think especially about the women that have been murdered or have suffered from gender-based violence, as well as their children and families. You are in our heads and in our hearts. And a special thought also for those mothers of children that have been murdered by their fathers. I send out all my affection and care from this stage, as well as that of my government, and I am sure, of all the people of Spain.

I wish to also remember the victims who can hear me today at home and that are suffering from abuse in silence. The best message that we can send out here today is one of hope: you are not alone; all of society is with you, on your side, against this abuse, so that you do not suffer a single minute more.

As you are aware we have called you here - we have just heard the delegate against gender-based violence say this - to present the campaign entitled, "Join up. There is a way out from gender-based violence", and we do this to coincide with this visit to the 016 Centre. This service undoubtedly represents one of the most useful tools for the victims of gender-based violence, for their families and friends. For many people, this has become the first step in escaping from gender-based violence.

Those women that call 016 find answers to their queries, their concerns and their fears from the professionals that work here, and they do so in the knowledge that this phone number leaves no trace - it is confidential - and operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is free of charge.

I have just had the opportunity briefly chat - I would have liked to have chatted for longer - with these women, professionals that take all these calls, and I can assure all of you that it is a pleasure and very comforting to see how there are people who do what they believe in, which is a basic foundation and a key foundation for being successful and effective. And believe me that this does not seem to me to be an easy task. This seems very difficult to me. Sometimes it is said that this profession is very complex, this one is more so, if you are able to do this… I believe that it is very difficult to deal with someone you don't know, someone who probably found it hard to pick up the phone and call, someone you have to treat with total and absolute respect, and who, deep down, is placing their trust in you, which is why they are calling, even though they have not seen you and although it is confidential. In reality, when we have a certain tendency to complain about how bad everything is, there are things in life that are comforting and it is good that, as Spaniards, we are also aware of this.

This resource, as well as being offered in all the co-official languages, it is also offered in another 52 languages and it has also been made available to women with hearing difficulties who, as you can well imagine, are particularly vulnerable.

These campaigns are undertaken because it is absolutely essential in this fight to combat violence against women; they are undertaken to raise awareness and also to help women take this first step, which is the most difficult part, and thus build up, between us all, a social climate of commitment and support for them, and of zero tolerance towards the most dramatic and unfair expression of equality that still persists.

These campaigns are also very useful; it has been scientifically proven that the number of calls to 016 is increasing and that, in other words, there are now more women who dare to take this step forward; and the number of incidents reported, social mobilisation and awareness have also increased.

What we hope for is that this campaign we have just presented today will once again serve to provide hope, following a summer that has once again been tough and painful.

Dear friends,

Victims deserve that we join forces and the implementation of a single strategy, which makes us stronger and more effective, is a commitment from everyone to the values of unity, consensus and solidarity.

I said at the start of this speech that the fight against gender-based violence is a national priority, and in order to overcome the challenges we are facing we must share goals and all join up to this strategy. Our recent history shows us that in order to be successful, major challenges require a broad consensus.

Due to its own importance, the policy to combat gender-based violence is a genuine State policy and on this issue - not on all others, of course, but on this one - I believe that all Spaniards (associations, political parties…, everyone) have managed to work together. We did this when we approved, some time back, the action plans and protection orders, and then the Comprehensive Law to Combat Gender-based Violence… I believe that some major steps have been taken, both in terms of legislation and in action taken. It is very important how Spanish society has also been involved in this issue.

And, before closing, I would like to mention the children. The children are very important, as are the adolescents and studies show that in 30% of cases the situation of control from their partners is put up with - I repeat 30%. We are also working with them through specific campaigns and we will continue to do so at schools thanks to the education reform.

And let us not forget the most vulnerable women, those with disabilities, the elderly and those who live in the rural environment, who probably have a much lower capacity and fewer possibilities to defend themselves.

We know that many people find it hard to report an incident, and that is logical. That is why we have to help them. Free legal aid is available to them regardless of their income. Certain laws have been reformed. There are some truly incredible situations which no-one can explain, whereby in the past a man who murdered his wife could receive a widower's pension and, moreover, inherit her estate but nowadays a man who murders his wife can no longer receive a widower's pension nor inherit her estate.

Dear friends,

Some major steps have been taken, as there have been in all those issues that are related to civilisation and education, but there are still many other things to do.

I wish to close off this speech by sending out two messages: firstly, to society and secondly to the victims. 98% of Spaniards currently reject gender-based violence, and hence, we have converted this into something intolerable and inadmissible, as well it should be. This social change allows us to be more proactive, it allows us to become more involved and to encourage victims to ask for help and report incidents. All of us, in our own personal and labour environments, can become involved. As we can see in the campaign, this is in the hands of each one of us. And this is a social and moral mission that falls to each of us as Spaniards.

The second message is to the victims, to say to them, "there is truly a way out", which is what the campaign says. There are an increasing number of women who are putting gender-based violence behind them. I have been told this here today and I listened closely: 77% of victims have achieved this. And that is why I would say to all of you to ask for help, call 016 and report incidents; you can enjoy a much better life than you do at present, and when you call 016 someone will answer who is ready and prepared to help you, who has no others interest at heart than helping, who know what they are talking about and for them it is a success if they help you manage to put gender-based violence behind you. Please call.

Thank you.