Speech by President of the Government in his visit to Orión Detachment


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Orión Detachment, Djibouti

Members of the Orión Detachment,

You may wonder about the reason for my visit here today. The answer is very simple: I wanted to come here, to Djibouti in the days leading up to these festive dates, which are undoubtedly family-orientated, to bring you Christmas greetings from His Majesty the King, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Spain, from the government I head up and from all the Spanish people. I also bring you a message of acknowledgment and empathy, of support and encouragement at this time which we normally spend with our families, but which you will spend far from your country, in the service of Spain on an extremely complex mission.

It is said that you are the eyes of "Operation Atalanta", in the fight against piracy off the coasts of Somalia, but you are much more than that. I am aware that your presence since 2008 in the extensive sphere of operations which is the Indian Ocean has turned you into the coordinators of the actions of the maritime surveillance aircraft of other States that operate in the region; a key region for international peace and security and for world trade.

You have sufficient resources to comply with your undertakings, resources that are supplied to you quickly, with the capacity to respond with autonomy. In fact, the praise that your actions have received - which are many, I can assure you - are evidence that you are making full use of them.

The quality of information that you provide in support of the naval operations makes your work an essential contribution for protecting merchant vessels that travel through the region, fishing boats, many of them Spanish, that fish these waters, and vessels under the World Food Programme of the United Nations that travel to Somalia, where the most needy await the food supplies that are sitting in the holds of these vessels.

But you are also here to intercept the groups of pirates that threaten the region. The figures on pirate attacks this year are a clear example of the success of your mission. I can assure you, as President of the Government, that I am very proud of this success that is a result of your dedication and hard work, of your commitment and efforts. His Majesty the King is equally proud of you and asked me to personally convey this sentiment.

I would now ask that you join me in the cry: Viva España!

I will now end and I will do so wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014.

Thank you very much.