Spain asks the European Commission for 391 million euros for fruit and vegetable producers

News - 2025.2.28

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The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has asked the European Commission to send 391 million euros to finance the operational programmes of producer organisations in the fruit and vegetable sector for the year 2025. This amount represents an increase of 11.6% compared to 2024 and 19.4% higher than the average for the period 2020-2024.

This is a forecast made at the beginning of each year, depending on the operational funds approved by the Autonomous Communities. The final aid is usually between 80% and 85% of the amount requested.

The beneficiaries of these funds will be 419 producer organisations spread over 15 autonomous communities. The largest amounts are in Andalusia, Murcia, Valencia, Catalonia, Aragon, Extremadura and Navarre.

According to the latest data, Spain remains the leading Member State in terms of implementation of operational programmes, with 33% of the European Union (EU) total, followed by Italy (29%) and France (15%). This support has been on an upwards trend since the system was introduced in 1997.

Two years into the implementation of the latest reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the operational programmes implemented (EU Regulation 2021/2115) exceed those of the previous programming period for the first time. Producer organisations shall complete their transition to the new regulatory framework by 31 December 2025 at the latest.

Support scheme for the fruit and vegetable sector

Under this system, producer organisations setting up an operational fund have the possibility to access support for various actions in the framework of their multi-annual operational programmes. These actions include improvements in production infrastructure, marketing, quality and environment, research and experimental production, training and advice, as well as crisis prevention and risk management.

These operational funds are therefore made up of the amounts of financial assistance from the EU and contributions from the producer organisations themselves or their members.

Therefore, under EU Regulation 2021/2115, producer organisations can benefit from EU financial assistance in the form of co-financing 50% of the cost of expenditure incurred (extendable to 60%, 80% or even 100% in certain cases). This aid has a general limit of 4.1% of the value of the marketed production of each entity. This figure may be increased annually by 0.5 points for interventions contributing to specific objectives over the duration of the operational programme.

The 2023-2027 CAP regulation in the fruit and vegetable sector introduces new incentives for the establishment of operational funds and the design of advanced programmes. It also reinforces the environmental character of these aids by requiring that a minimum of 15% of expenditure be earmarked for this objective, and a further 2% for R&D.

Producer organisations are formed on the initiative of their members for the joint marketing of production, the placing of products on the market and the pursuit of one or more of the purposes and activities set out in EU Regulation 1308/2013.

These are associative entities that play a key role in the fruit and vegetable sector for the purpose of planning production, concentrating supply, marketing and improving the competitiveness of farms.

The following table shows the aid requested by each regional government:

Non official translation