The Government of Spain promotes a new Regulation for Spanish citizenship abroad with a focus on return and proximity
News - 2025.2.7
The Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, during the meeting with the Spanish community held in New York
The Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, has announced that the Government of Spain is preparing a new Regulation to develop and update the Statute of Spanish Citizenship Abroad, which has been in force for almost 20 years, the new version of which will meet the current needs of residents abroad.
During a meeting held with the Spanish community in New York, Saiz announced that, on Monday, 10 February, the prior consultation process will begin, which will initiate the regulatory process for the Regulation. This Regulation will improve attention to the current needs of Spanish citizens abroad, a population whose profile and requirements have changed over time.
"The aim is to collate the opinions' of citizens, organisations and associations, all of which have a lot to say. I would like to point out that, with this Regulation, we are ensuring compliance with Article 42 of the Spanish Constitution, i.e. relating to the rights of Spanish citizens who reside abroad," Saiz explained.
The new Regulation, which is expected to enter into force in 2025, will promote the inclusive return of Spaniards abroad. In other words, it will guarantee special protection to vulnerable people who are returned in emergency situations (repatriations due to armed conflicts, emergency situations, minors in vulnerable situations, women who are victims of gender violence, etc.).
In addition, it will help attract scientific, technical and research talent through specific programmes and support for networks of scientists to facilitate accreditation and certification processes for research personnel.
Spanish Emigration Memory Centre
A Spanish Emigration Memory Centre will be set up, with the aim of highlighting the heritage of the people who had to emigrate outside Spain during the different stages of its history.
"A country without memory is a fragile democracy. And even more so in 2025, which is an important year as the 50th anniversary of the dictator's death. For a country like Spain, which has a history of emigration and memories associated with this, it is important not forget this aspect", Saiz emphasised.
The Regulation will also support associations through collaboration with the General Council of Spanish Citizenship Abroad and the Councils of Spanish Residents Abroad, with a focus on young people. Digital administration will also be promoted with the aim of boosting access to the electronic office and obtaining electronic signature certificates or alternative authentication systems.
State Plan for Voluntary Return
The Regulation will include in its entirety the announced State Plan for the Voluntary Return of Spanish citizens living abroad, which establishes the return policies to be carried out so that those Spaniards who wish to do so can access facilities for returning to Spain.
The Plan envisages creating a Spanish Return Office to provide advice and assistance to people who wish to return to Spain, as well as guaranteeing integration services once they return to the country.
"Travelling is a pleasure, emigrating is a necessity, and we Spaniards know this well because we have done it throughout our history. Bearing in mind that the existing law dates back 20 years, this new Regulation will make it possible to handle this matter in a comprehensive manner and adapt the old legislation to the current reality. Today is a very important day for Spanish emigration," Saiz concluded.
Spanish emigration today
Since the entry into force of the Statute of Spanish Citizenship Abroad in 2006, there have been very significant changes in terms of the volume and profiles of Spanish citizens living abroad.
In this regard, the effects of the economic crisis of 2008, a crisis that followed the approval of the Statute, which resulted in a significant number of people having to leave the country, must be taken into account. In fact, the data on the Spanish Population Residing Abroad, compiled by the National Statistics Institute, show that, in 2009, there were 1,471,691 people of Spanish nationality residing abroad. In the year 2024, there were 2,908,649 people of Spanish nationality living abroad.
Non official translation