In the framework of the Council of EU Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers in Brussels

Minister Planas hands over the National Food Strategy to Commissioner Hansen

News - 2025.1.27

27/01/2025. Minister Planas hands over the National Food Strategy to Commissioner Hansen. The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, ... The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, hands over the National Food Strategy (ENA) document to the Commissioner for Agriculture and Food, Christophe Hansen

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Planas recalled that the NFS is "Spain's contribution to the future of the European Union's vision of agriculture and food, which the Commissioner will present in the coming weeks." The aim is to show Spain as a world agri-food power and to establish a position in the debate that will mark the EU legislature.

In addition, the Strategy aims to respond to current challenges such as climate change, geopolitical tensions, security of food supply and sustainability. It is a strategic document and a priority for action by the Government of Spain.

Tomorrow, Luis Planas is also expected to hand over the document to the Commissioner for Animal Health and Welfare, Olivér Várhely.

The NFS is structured around six axes with specific measures to address them: food security, sustainability, rural revitalisation, nutrition and health, innovation and technology, and consumer information. Its objective is to build a sustainable food system in Spain and in Europe to achieve open strategic autonomy that ensures supply at affordable prices under a sustainable production and marketing model and that favours international trade relations.

Non official translation
