Jordi Hereu encourages major international investors to invest in Spain

News - 2025.1.15

15/01/2025. Jordi Hereu encourages major international investors to invest in Spain. The Minister for Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu, dur... The Minister for Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu, during his speech at the 'Spain Investors Day' forum

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The Minister for Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu, encouraged international investors to trust in Spain at the opening ceremony of the 15th edition of the financial forum 'Spain Investors Day', where he highlighted the good national economic results in a context of global uncertainty.

For Minister Hereu, Spain is moving towards the modernisation of its industry and tourism through sustainability and the creation of new quality jobs. He also acknowledged the impact of PERTE and European funds, and the close public-private partnership in working together towards economic and social growth.

Last, he recalled that the new Law on Industry and Strategic Autonomy is a key element in gaining the confidence of foreign investors, as it includes the figure of 'strategic industrial project', which involves streamlining authorisations and procedures for the development of new projects of general interest to the country. This measure is especially designed for new investments.

Non official translation