Minimum Basic Income (IMV): What is it and how can i apply?

News - 2025.1.29


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The Minimum Basic Income (IMV) is a Social Security measure that provides a basic level of income to those in a situation of economic vulnerability. Its objective is to ensure the social and labour inclusion of beneficiaries.

The IMV was introduced in 2020 by Royal Decree-law in a context of imperative and necessity as a result of the pandemic. In December 2021, this was consolidated in Law 19/2021 of 20 December establishing the Minimum Basic Income.

According to the National Institute of Social Security statistics for 2024, the IMV already benefits 2,050,000 people living in 674,000 households.

Who is eligible for the Minimum Basic Income?

You can access the IMV as an individual or as a member of a household.

Cohabitation units are made up of a group of people who live in the same household and are united by marriage, unmarried partnership, or up to the second degree of consanguinity, affinity or adoption. It also includes people living together for reasons of foster care for the purpose of adoption or permanent foster care. The members of the cohabitation units will have access to the IMV through a single holder representing them.

In addition to the financial criteria, detailed below, IMV beneficiaries must meet certain requirements, which vary whether applying as an individual or as a representative of a household.

  • In general, people aged 23 or over who are not in a cohabitation unit or in a marriage or civil partnership (unless they are in the process of separation or divorce) can be individual beneficiaries of the IMV . The age requirement or the requirement to start separation or divorce proceedings do not apply to women who are victims of sex-based violence or trafficking and sexual exploitation. In addition, people aged between 18 and 22 who come from child protection centres or who are absolute orphans can be individual holders, provided they are not part of a cohabitation unit. There are other more specific conditions, such as requirements of legal residence or having lived independently for a certain period of time prior to the application, which can be found on the IMV portal.
  • IMV holders applying on behalf of a household must be at least 23 years old. The same applies to adults or emancipated minors who have children or minors in their care for the purpose of adoption or permanent foster care. The application must be signed by all members of legal age, and the applicant will represent the unit in all dealings with the IMV. As in the previous case, there are other more specific requirements that should be consulted before applying.

What is the amount of the IMV in 2025?

The amount of the Minimum Basic Income is the difference between the guaranteed income, set by law, and other income that the beneficiaries may have. Therefore, the IMV can only be accessed if this income is lower than the guaranteed income, and the amount received will be the amount necessary for the beneficiary to reach this economic threshold. In the case of cohabitation units, the income of all members of the unit is taken into account.

The guaranteed income is set as an annual amount divided into 12 payments. For 2025 it has been increased by 9% and the calculation is as follows:

  • For an individual beneficiary, the guaranteed income is 7,905.72 euros per year, or 658.81 euros per month.
  • In the case of a cohabitation unit, the above amount is increased by 30% for each additional member. However, from five members upwards the amount ceases to increase, so that the guaranteed income of the cohabitation unit cannot exceed 220% of an individual income. Therefore, for a unit of five or more members, the guaranteed income will be 17,392.68 euros per year, or 1,449.39 euros per month.

In addition to the established limits, there are two supplements that can increase the amount:

  • In the case of a single-parent household, 22% of an individual guaranteed income is added to the amount received. To be considered single-parent, the cohabitation unit must be made up of a single adult who lives with one or more minor descendants up to the second degree of age over whom he or she has exclusive custody, or who lives with one or more minors in a permanent foster care regime or custody for adoption purposes when he or she is the only foster parent or guardian. Cohabitation units in which, having two parents, guardians or foster parents, one is in prison or hospital for an uninterrupted period equal to or greater than one year will also be considered single-parent. Likewise, units with two parents, guardians or foster parents may opt for this supplement when one of them has been recognized as having a third degree of dependency, permanent absolute disability or severe disability. Finally, in the case of a woman who has suffered gender violence and is the only adult in the unit, it will not be required that the child's custody be exclusive, or that said woman be the only foster parent or guardian in the case of permanent foster care or custody for adoption purposes.
  • If any member of the unit has a recognized degree of disability equal to or greater than 65%, another supplement will be added in an amount equal to that of the single-parent supplement.

In addition, a monthly Child Benefit Supplement will be granted for each child in the household. This supplement is calculated according to the age of the child at the beginning of the year for which the aid will be granted: for children under 3 years of age, 115 euros; for children over 3 and under 6 years of age, 80.50 euros; and for those between 6 and 18 years of age, the aid will be 57.50 euros. This assistance is extended to families who, because of their income, are not eligible for the IMV, if they meet certain conditions. You can find more information on this page of the Social Security website.

Is the amount of IMV updated with the change of personal circumstances?

Yes. A change in the personal circumstances of a person entitled to the Minimum Basic Income or of any member of the household may result in a change in the amount of the benefit. The change may be made during the year, and shall take effect from the first day of the month following the month in which the event giving rise to the change occurred.

In any case, the amount of the benefit shall be automatically updated on 1 January of each year, taking the actual annual income of the previous year as a reference and making the corresponding adjustments.

How can I apply for the Minimum Basic Income?

You can do this in the following ways:

  • By internet, with an electronic certificate or Cl@ve, through the Social Security e-Office.
  • By internet, without an electronic certificate or Cl@ve system, using the form specially provided by the Social Security. Please note that you will be asked for documentation to verify your identity, including a photograph and an email address.
  • In person at the Social Security Assistance and Information Centres (CAISS).

During the application process you will be required to provide various documents to prove your identity, residence, family or financial situation. You can find more information on the means of proving these requirements in the corresponding section of the Social Security portal.

New telephone number for inquiries

Since November 4, 2024, the short telephone number 020 is available for information on the Minimum Vital Income. This free helpline is added to the current information number 900 20 22 22, which will continue to operate. The new line will offer information and personalized advice on requirements, applications, documentation, procedures and paperwork necessary to access the benefit.

Non official translation