Visit to the Spanish contingent in Slovakia

Spain consolidates the profile of professionalism and capacity of its Armed Forces abroad

News - 2024.12.16

16/12/2024. Visit to the Spanish contingent in Slovakia. The Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, during her visit to the Spanish conting... The Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, during her visit to the Spanish contingent deployed in Lest (Slovakia)

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Slovakia thanks Spain for the role of the Armed Forces deployed in the country. This gratitude was expressed during the meeting held by the Minister for Defence with her Slovakian counterpart prior to the handover ceremony of the Spanish contingents deployed in Lest.

"The professionalism of the people who are working in this area is indisputable," said Robles, who recalled that "for Spain, being a framework nation of the Multinational Brigade that NATO deploys in Slovakia means assuming a leadership and coordination role in military and security operations in the region. This involves significant responsibilities such as the planning and execution of exercises, as well as logistics to ensure the effectiveness of the troops of contributing countries".

In the Minister for Defence's opinion, "we are at a time when no one questions the capabilities of our Armed Forces. An Armed Forces that is ready and up to the task of any mission that may be entrusted to it. This is evidenced by the confidence and recognition of the authorities in all countries where Spanish military personnel are deployed, and the high esteem and consideration in which they are held".

In this case, as permanently deployed capabilities on the ground, Spain maintains nearly 800 soldiers and more than 200 vehicles of different types, constituting the largest international deployment of our country's Armed Forces.

"We are a reliable partner," said Robles, who stressed Spain's important weight and role within NATO, "where our commitment is total and absolute in the defence of peace and democratic values. The dedication and enthusiasm of the Spanish soldiers is hard to match".

The Galicia' VII Brigade is taking over from the 'Almogávares' VI Parachute Brigade in the command of the 'Battle Group', of which Spain has been the framework nation since last June.

The new head of the contingent, Colonel Jesús Martínez Victoria, took the floor at the handover ceremony, pointing out the level of responsibility involved in this mission, which he said he will carry out "with the peace of mind of knowing that I am supported by the great work of our soldiers, their capacity for sacrifice and the preparation they have had to do to undertake this task".

For his part, the Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral General Teodoro López Calderón, asked those deployed to ensure that Spain's status remains "at such a high level". The minister was also accompanied on the visit by the Chief of Staff of the Spanish Army, Army General Amador Enseñat.

Mission and objectives

The NATO mission in Slovakia is a key component of the defence and deterrence strategy in Eastern Europe, which is based on working with local armed forces, contributing to regional stability, protecting the Allied space and providing a coordinated response to any potential threat.

Spain's presence and activities on Slovakian soil are a guarantee of peace, prosperity and growth, given that it contributes capabilities to the collective defence, deterrence and protection of Europe as a whole.

In the Multinational Brigade, aside from Spanish troops, there are contingents from the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Portugal, who will be joined at the beginning of next year by units from Slovakia and Romania.

Non official translation
