Luis Planas: "The EU needs to maintain its ambition in agri-food innovation to meet new challenges"

News - 2024.7.15

15/07/2024. Luis Planas: The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, at the meeting of the Council of Agriculture Ministers of the EU held in Brussels

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The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, today called for the EU to maintain its level of ambition in food innovation, both in production processes and in foodstuffs. The minister said that technological innovation, together with generational change, are key elements for the future of the agricultural sector and the progress of rural areas in Europe.

At the Council of EU Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers held today in Brussels, the first under the Hungarian Presidency, Luis Planas assured that Spain, as well as many other member states, are committed to making progress on the regulation on new gene editing techniques, because they are essential for improving the productivity and competitiveness of agricultural production in Europe. He gave as an example that in a scenario of climate change, these techniques would make it possible to obtain plants and seeds that are better adapted to water stress or are more productive.

The minister recalled that during the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU much progress was made on the proposal presented by the European Commission in July last year, and it was only a short time before a qualified majority was achieved. He urged the Council to maintain its ambition and continue along these lines to complete the process.

He pointed out that this is not about genetically modified organisms, something that is specifically and strictly regulated in the EU, but about the application of genome editing techniques, the results of which are equivalent to those that can be obtained with conventional plant breeding methods. "We understand that there are states that have their doubts. They are legitimate doubts and we have to try to resolve them, but we are not prepared to take a step backwards in this matter," the minister said.

At today's Council, which discussed the viability of rural areas, the Spanish minister stressed that the focus must be on innovation and the incorporation of young people as key tools to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of agricultural production. A modern, profitable and efficient agri-food sector is the best guarantee for social cohesion and the future of rural areas, said the minister.

The Hungarian presidency has presented its priorities for its turn in the Council presidency in the second half of the year. Minister Planas welcomed the focus on issues that Spain considers to be of great importance, such as the fight against food waste and the control of unfair trade practices.

However, the Spanish minister pointed out that this will be a presidency in which little legislative progress will be made, as it coincides with the start of the new European legislature, pending the formation of the new Commission. Planas did stress that the agricultural sector will have a special role to play in this new period, as the strategic agenda for 2024-2029 approved on 27 June by the EU heads of state and government includes issues such as guaranteeing food security, the development of rural areas, the sustainability of agricultural production and ensuring a decent income for farmers.

Non official translation