Turespaña Air Capacity Report

Advance bookings for international flights for July total 12.5 million, 9.5% more than a year ago

News - 2024.6.28

28/06/2024. Passengers getting off a plane. Passengers getting off a plane Passengers getting off a plane

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The Minister for Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu, said that "this increase in the number of seats booked on international flights compared to last year augurs a very positive summer season for the sector. Spain is at the top of the list of international tourists' preferences, which indicates that the quality of our destinations is increasingly appreciated".

Comparing the seat forecasts in July with those recorded at the same date in 2023, the performance of the main source markets continues to be strong: United Kingdom (+5.4%), Germany (+7.4%), Italy (+14.5%) and France (8.4%).

On the other hand, Poland and Czechia saw strong increases of 25%. Likewise, the notable rise of 17% in the USA continues and the Nordic countries stand out with increases in Finland (10.1%), Sweden (7.6%), Denmark (3.3%) and Norway (0.4%).

Among the Ibero-American markets, Mexico and Colombia registered the highest volume of scheduled capacities.

Non official translation