Margarita Robles takes part in the meeting of NATO defence ministers

News - 2024.6.13

13/06/2024. NATO-Ukraine Council. The Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, along with other participants in the meeting of the Ukraine De... The Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, along with other participants in the meeting of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group

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A new ministerial meeting of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group, convened by US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin, was held ahead of the working day, at which participants were briefed as usual on the situation on the ground, presenting the most urgent needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and their longer-term requirements.

In her speech, Robles stated that "Spain remains fully committed to Ukraine", and was particularly satisfied with the rapid reaction of the Spanish Armed Forces to train 400 additional soldiers at the request of the Ukrainian authorities.

"Thanks to the support of the transport capacity of the air and space forces, the geographical distance between our two countries is no obstacle to the training, which will exceed a total of 6,000 troops by the end of the year," the minister said.

The NATO-Ukraine Council session, involving allied defence ministers - including Minister Pal Jonson, who was taking part for the first time in this format as a full member after Sweden's accession - focused on two key messages: the need to ensure allied unity and consensus on support for Ukraine in the run-up to the Washington Summit; and the need to ensure coherence of NATO initiatives with those already underway, such as those of the Contact Group, the International Donor Coordination Centre and the EU.

As Minister Robles reminded her Ukrainian counterpart, Rustem Umerov, "your presence here today with all of us in support of Ukraine sends a powerful message of allied unity, which will be key to the Washington Summit, as it was in Madrid and Vilnius". For the minister, "NATO's role has been decisive in deterring and preventing any Russian temptation to extend or escalate the conflict, and will also be decisive in terms of the development and interoperability of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, paving the way for a common future".

In her speech, Robles stressed that support for Ukraine is a priority for the Government of Spain, highlighting the efforts being made by the Spanish defence industry to adapt its production capabilities to Ukrainian needs.


On the margins of the meeting, the minister took part in the signing ceremony of several documents, including the letter of intent establishing the Coalition for Ukrainian Armoured Capabilities within the Contact Group. It aims to promote and coordinate national contributions to strengthen the armoured and mechanised assets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and is a further example of a long-term commitment to Ukraine.

During the day, Robles had the opportunity to hold bilateral meetings with the defence ministers of Estonia, Hanno Pevkur, and Turkey, Yaşar Güler. Both thanked Spain for its contribution to NATO's defence and deterrence posture and for the presence of the Spanish Armed Forces in their respective countries, which demonstrates Spain's effort and commitment to allied security in all directions.

Last, the minister took part in an event organised by the NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, Irene Fellin, during which an exhibition of uniforms, protective gear and non-lethal equipment specifically designed for female personnel was inaugurated. The exhibition is curated by the Ukrainian NGO Arm Women Now, a project that aims to advance equality, dignity and respect for women in the field of security and defence.

Non official translation