New SpainSat NG satellites place Spain at the forefront of space development and innovation
News - 2024.4.18
The Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, visits the Thales Alenia Space facilities in Tres Cantos (Madrid)
The Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, today learned first-hand about the characteristics and capabilities of the new SpainSat NG I and II satellites during her visit to the Thales Alenia Space facilities in Tres Cantos (Madrid), which represent a great technological leap forward for the Spanish space industry.
Above all, they will provide the Spanish Armed Forces with a secure and resilient communications system that will be among the ten most modern in the world, allowing Spain to participate in leading international programmes in the so-called, and increasingly fundamental, domain of space.
Minister Robles expressed her thanks to all those involved in a programme that "will be special not only for our Armed Forces, but also for those of our partners", in their work for peace and security in the world.
"Investing in defence and security is investing in peace and security, but it is also investing in technology and investing in the future," said Robles.
Exceptional programmes such as SpainSat NG "leave Spain's technological flag flying very high", stressed the Minister for Defence, who called on young people to join this domain in which there is much to be done.
The Secretary of State for Defence, Amparo Valcarce, has advanced the foreseeable launch schedule for the two satellites, the first at the end of 2024 and the second in June 2025.
Valcarce also assured that, in addition to "an advance in security, peace, prosperity and well-being, greater strategic autonomy and independence", the new generation satellite programme represents a first-rate economic asset.
A consortium led by Spain (with more than 40%) with Spanish and French divisions of the companies Airbus and Thales is developing and manufacturing the Spainsat NG I and II, which will be operated by Hisdesat to replace the current SpainSat and XTAR-EUR.
Its director general, Miguel Ángel García Primo, has declared that "we are doing something in Spain that is unique, there are very few countries that have these capabilities".
For Thales Spain "this is undoubtedly our star project in recent years," said its general manager, José Antonio Álvarez de Arcaya, adding that more than 150 highly qualified contracts have been created since it was launched.
Size and functions
This is the first time that satellites of this size will be integrated in Spain, and their communication coverage will reach two thirds of the Earth.
These new platforms are 6.7 metres high and 2.7 metres wide, and they weigh 6.1 tonnes. They will be launched into geostationary orbit, some 36,000 kilometres above the Earth, with a lifetime of about 15 years, and will operate in X, Ka and UHF bands.
The satellites are ready to cope with new threats to communications and will incorporate systems for locating and cancelling interference, and resistance to the electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear bomb, among other functions.
Non official translation