Social Security registers 2.7 million foreign national insurance contributors in October
News - 2023.11.21
Since February 2020 - before the impact of the pandemic - the system has recorded an increase of 494,083 workers from other countries.
This figure in October represents 12.9% of the total number of national insurance contributors, in seasonally adjusted terms.
Average contributors
In average terms and without seasonal adjustment, i.e. in the original series, Social Security registered 2,683,937 foreign contributors this month, which is 3,053 more than in September. Of the total, 879,986 workers come from EU countries (32.8%) and 1,803,951 from third countries (the remaining 67.2%). The largest groups came from Romania (337,762), Morocco (317,034), Italy (180,729), Colombia (171,696) and Venezuela (145,926). Of the total, 55.7% are men and 44.3% are women.
In the past twelve months, the average number of foreign contributors has grown by 9%, i.e., 221,431 employed people have been added.
66,002 Ukrainian contributors
Among the various nationalities, there are 66,002 national insurance contributors from Ukraine. This is 18,743 more than in January 2022, prior to the start of the war, representing an increase of 40%.
The majority of workers (87%) coming from Ukraine are in the General System, i.e. they are salaried workers, and 13% are self-employed.
Systems and sectors
Overall, 83.8% of foreign national contributors are in the General System and total 2,248,483. The sectors that have added the most employees are Education (19.3%) and Construction (2.6%), in addition to the Special Agricultural System, which increased by 2.7%. However, the actual number of contributors fell, mainly in Public Administration (-5.3%) and Agriculture, Livestock, Hunting, Forestry and Fishing (-5.8%).
For its part, the self-employed system has 430,042 foreign contributors. Of all the self-employed people from other countries, 14.8% come from China, 10.9% from Romania and 9% from Italy.
Non official translation