EU Agriculture Council reaches agreement on long-term vision for rural areas

News - 2023.11.20

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The Council of Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers of the EU, held in Brussels, today gave the green light to the conclusions document on the long-term vision for rural areas, which advocates the implementation of initiatives that favour the development of these areas and the improvement of the living conditions of their inhabitants, with greater financial support beyond the funds of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

In the document, ministers invite the European Commission to develop a European rural strategy with a holistic approach and coherence between all initiatives aimed at rural areas, to ensure synergy between them and greater effectiveness in the use of funding for the development of rural areas.

The text proposes to set up a monitoring tool to evaluate and quantify the contribution of European policies and instruments in favour of rural areas, and to establish at the beginning of each programming period a procedure to ensure coherence, complementarity and synergies in the use of these funds.

In spring 2024, the European Commission is expected to issue a communication analysing the state of progress of the EU rural action plan, and reflecting on the issues to be considered in the next programming period for European funds.

The adoption of this document is a success for the Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU, which has worked to raise the profile of the challenges facing Europe's rural areas and to highlight the opportunities they offer to contribute to the social and territorial cohesion of society as a whole.

To this end, last September in Sigüenza (Guadalajara), the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and the European Commission held a high-level forum on the future of rural areas, which was attended by more than 250 representatives of administrations, entities and associations from the different member states. Some of the conclusions of that meeting have been incorporated into the document adopted today.

It includes recommendations and strategic orientations on the future prospects for policies to support rural areas. Among the conclusions, the importance of agricultural activity, which plays a key role in the social, territorial and economic cohesion of these areas, is recognised. In this respect, the need to maintain support for generational change and to encourage the incorporation of women into agricultural activities is highlighted.

In the context of the current geopolitical situation, these conclusions also underline the importance of ensuring food security within Open Strategic Self-Government, as agreed by Heads of State and Government at the informal European Council meeting in October in Granada.

The conclusions make a strong case for the participation of rural local communities and their organisations in the design of development strategies, and highlight the key role played by LEADER Local Action Groups and participatory local development initiatives.

The document adopted by the Council recognises the need to promote digital innovation, data infrastructures and the acquisition of technological skills. In this context, the importance of advancing investments to improve connectivity in rural areas is underlined.

These conclusions seek to promote a balanced territorial development for rural areas, taking as a reference the EU Territorial Agenda 2030, highlighting the potential of rural territories to promote economic diversification through new initiatives and projects in the industrial, digital and service sectors, in which SMEs and cooperatives play an important role.

It also highlights rural areas' capacities to adapt to climate change.

New genomic techniques

At today's Council meeting, the presidency provided information on the state of play of work on the proposal for New Genomic Techniques, a priority issue for the Spanish presidency. In particular, ministers were briefed on the technical work carried out in the competent Council working group, noting the good progress made in the examination of the proposal and the intention to pursue the objective of reaching an agreed Council position. The Croatian delegation provided information to the Council on this issue.

Other issues discussed included the European Forestry Strategy 2030, on the implementation of which the Commission provided an update. The Austrian delegation then provided information on the informal meeting of ministers of the "For Forest" group. The German delegation briefed ministers on the importance of strategic frameworks for cooperation with partner countries on the implementation of the regulation on deforestation.

The Council was briefed by the Italian delegation on the role of farmers for dynamic and sustainable rural areas, and by the French delegation on the partial implementation of GAEC 8 in the 2024 campaign.

It authorised the Commission to sign the COP 28 Leaders' Statement on "Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action" on behalf of the EU at the World Summit on Climate Action.

Fisheries issues

Regarding the fishing points, the Commission presented the proposals for Total Allowable Catches (TACs) and quotas for 2024 in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, marking the official start of talks to reach a political agreement in December. The Council at which these allocations are to be approved will be held on 10, 11 and 12 December next.

The Council welcomed the change in negotiating dynamics proposed by Spain, which means more time for technical dialogue and concertation. All decisions must be based on the three pillars of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP): biological, economic and social.

Today's Council was chaired by the Belgian Minister for Agriculture, David Clerinval, and the Minister for Fisheries, Hilde Crevits, an exceptional circumstance due to the formation of the new government in Spain, and unfolded in accordance with the Council's rules of procedure. Today's meeting comes under the calendar of the Spanish presidency, which concludes at the end of the year, and in which a final meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council is scheduled for December. Spain was represented by the Secretary General for Agriculture and Food, Fernando Miranda, and the Secretary General for Fisheries, Isabel Artime.

Non official translation