Spanish education system among most equal according to results from PISA 2015 study

News - 2017.11.22

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These results are reflected in the PISA 2015 study on collaborative problem solving. This is the fifth edition of this study, which this year has focussed on innovation skills.

Spain (496) has an average score close to the OECD average (500), on a par with France (494), Portugal (498), the Czech Republic (499) Iceland (499) and Belgium (501) and within the average range, alongside most other countries.

In the OECD countries as a whole, 8% of students perform highly in collaborative problem solving. This means they are capable of managing group dynamics, ensuring that all team members act according to the role assigned, resolve disagreements, identify effective pathways and supervise progress towards a solution.

Fewer pupils falling behind in Spain

The data also show that the proportion of pupils falling behind in Spain (4.4%) is below the OECD average and the EU total (6%); in other words, a similar proportion to such countries as Norway, Slovenia, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Germany.

Three subskills are included within average collaborative problem solving performance based on mutual understanding, suitable ways of resolving problems and maintaining team organisation.

In this regard, it should be noted that, in most countries (as is the case with other skills assessed by PISA), the pupils of native parents score significantly higher on average than those of immigrant parents, especially when compared with first-generation immigrant pupils.

The situation in Spain regarding the results by immigrants and non-immigrants is similar to that of the OECD as a whole, although the difference between the average scores of natives and first- and second-generation immigrants is somewhat smaller.

Pupils enjoying cooperation

Both in Spain and in all OECD countries as a whole, the vast majority of participating pupils (86%) strongly agree with statements related to "the enjoyment of cooperation", and this trend is especially strong among girls.

Finally, it should also be noted that a greater dependency on Information and Communication Technologies seems to reduce the time used by pupils to interact and cooperate with others. Spanish pupils performed as expected in terms of the score calculated under the ICT dependence index (0.14).

Non official translation