Statistics prepared by Turespaña
Number of tourism sector workers rises by 3.6% in October
News - 2017.11.17
This statistic was prepared by Turespaña based on figures provided by the Social Security system. Employment in tourism represented 12.5% of all contributors to the Spanish economy for this month.
If we consider the total number of contributors in tourism activities, the number of salaried workers increased in October by 4.4% on the same month last year, and accounts for 79.1% of the total. The self-employed - the remaining 20.9% - posted a slight increase of 0.5%.
As regards the figures by autonomous region, employment in hotel and catering and in travel agencies/tour operators rose in all regions, except Cantabria and La Rioja. In relative terms, there were noteworthy year-on-year increases in Madrid (up 4.7%) and the Balearic Islands (up 4.5%).
In terms of the total number of contributors, Catalonia is the region with the highest number, at 263,505, closely followed by Andalusia, with 258,158. Madrid stands in third place, with 223,182.
The complete information can be consulted here.
Non official translation