Spanish Social Security system posts average of 17,910,007 contributors
Number of employed contributors to Spanish Social Security system rises by 161,752, a record increase for the month of March
News - 2017.4.4
In year-on year terms, the third month of this year closed with an average 604,209 more contributors (up 3.49%), the best rate in both absolute terms and since 2007. Both this increase and the month-on-month increase are largely due to the good performance of the General Regime, which added a total of 576,914 workers (up 4.1%).
Monthly breakdown
The General Regime posted an increase of 144,337 contributors (1%), to stand at 14,647,117. In March, NI contribution rose in all sectors of the economy: especially in Hotel and Catering, by 51,521 (4.7%); Construction, by 17,471 (2.44%); Administrative Activities and Ancillary Services, 14,984 (1.27%); Manufacturing Industries, 8,627 (0.5%); and Public Administration and Defence, 8,306 (0.8%).
The Special System for Agricultural Workers posted 6,574 fewer workers (down 0.84%) following the close of the highly significant citrus harvest season in the Region of Valencia. The final figure stood at an average of 778,273. In turn, the Special System for Domestic Workers grew by 1,842 contributors (0.43%) to stand at a total of 428,524 workers.
A total of 3,196,754 contributors were registered under the Regime for Self-Employed Workers, following an increase of 15,282 (0.48%) in the month.
The Special Regime for Seamen saw an increase of 2,100 workers (3.42%) to stand at 63,485. Finally, the Regime for Coal Workers stood at an average of 2,650 contributors following an increase of 33 in March (1.25%).
In terms of seasonally-adjusted figures, which are essential in order to see the trend in contributor numbers, there have now been 40 consecutive positive months; with an increase of 73,941 workers and an overall total number of National Insurance contributors in excess of 18 million.
The number of National Insurance contributors to the Social Security system rose in all autonomous regions of Spain in March, except in the Autonomous City of Melilla.
Comparison with 2016
In year-on-year terms, the system posted an increase of 604,209 workers, up 3.49%. Specifically, the General Regime posted positive results, with 576,914 new workers (up 4.1%). This increase grows to over 4.34% when focusing on the General Regime per se (excluding agricultural and domestic workers).
It should be noted that the rate rose by 0.87% under the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers, which translates into an increase of 27,459 workers. The Regime for Seamen rose by 1.05% (659), while the Regime for Coal Workers posted a decrease of 823 contributors (down 23.69%).
Compared with last year, the number of workers has increased in all provinces and autonomous regions of Spain, except in the Autonomous City of Melilla (down 1.17%). Particularly noteworthy are the increases in the Balearic Islands (5.71%), the Canary Islands (5.1%), the Region of Murcia (4.88%) and Catalonia (3.88%).