Spain, Guest Country of Honour at the 21st International Book Fair in La Paz, Bolivia

News - 2016.9.5

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From 7 to 18 September the Chuquiago Marka trade fair centre in the capital of Bolivia will host the 21st International La Paz Book Fair, attended on this occasion by Spain as Guest of Honour, together with Universidad Católica Boliviana (UCB) San Pablo, which will receive recognition of its fifty years of existence.

Significant presence of Spanish writers

The Ministry is attending the Fair with a delegation of Spanish authors that includes a significant number of new voices from our literature, represented by Sara Mesa, Marta Sanz and the author of graphic novels Alfonso Zapico, together with writers with more extensive careers, such as Antonio Orejudo and the children's literature author Alfredo Gómez Cerdá. The delegation includes two specialists from the world of books and reading: Tony Hernández and Maria Malmierca. Other Spanish authors present at the Fair will be the poet and playwright Pablo Fidalgo and the well-known author J.J. Benítez. All the authors will take part in an extensive cultural programme dedicated to Spain, which will run from the 8 September to the official close of the Fair on the 18th.

Spain will also have its own stand to show more than 300 books on a variety of subjects published in our country, including works by the invited authors. In addition, there will be a special set of books dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the death of Miguel de Cervantes.

The International Book Fair of La Paz will be officially opened on the afternoon of the 7th of September, with number of important figures in attendance. Representing Spain will be the Embassy of Spain; and representing the Secretariat of State for Culture will be Mónica Fernández Muñoz, from the Ministry's Deputy-Directorate General for the Promotion of Spanish Books, Reading and Literature.