Average number of workers stands at 17,760,271

Number of National Insurance contributors rises by 98,432 in June

News - 2016.7.4

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This increase in contributors amounts to 75.509 in seasonally-adjusted terms, the best figure since June 2005.

The General Regime posted a rise of 86,187 contributors (up 0.6%), to stand at 14,482,695. Affiliation rose in practically all sectors in June, with particularly noteworthy rises in the Hotel and Catering industry, up 38,337, or 3.16%; in the Sale and Repair of Automobiles and Motorbikes, up 27,936, or 1.24%; in Administrative Activities and Auxiliary Services, up 18,587, or 1.59%; in Manufacturing Industry, up 14,031, or 0.83%, and in Construction, up 11,468, or 1.66%. There was a noteworthy decline in the Education sector, down 51,468, coinciding, as each year, with the end of the school year.

The Special System for Agricultural Workers saw a decline of 16,490 contributors (down 2.1%), to stand at an average of 767,496 workers. This figure coincided with the end of the strawberry season in Huelva and Almeria.

In turn, the Special System for Domestic Workers saw a decline of 169 contributors (down 0.04%) to stand at a total of 432,844 workers.

3,209,379 contributors were registered under the Regime for Self-Employed Workers, following a rise of 11,230 (up 0.35%). An increase of 1,083 contributors was posted in the Special Regime for Seamen (up 1.7%), to a total of 64,981 workers. Lastly, the Regime for Coal Workers posted a decline of 69 average contributors (down 2.09%).

Affiliation to the Social Security system in June rose in most autonomous regions. The largest increases were posted, in absolute terms, in Catalonia (up 32,688), the Balearic Islands (up 26,897), Castile La Mancha (up 14,095), Galicia (up 8,749) and the Region of Madrid (up 7,237). In contrast, average affiliation fell in Andalusia (down 20,576), Murcia (down 2,622) and Melilla (down 439).

From the lowest point in terms of number of contributors to the system (February 2013), of the 3.3 million who lost their jobs during the crisis, 1,609,525 people are now back in work, in other words, a recovery of more than 48%.

Comparison with 2015

In year-on-year terms, June closed with an average of 503,876 more contributors (up 2.92%), due, to a great extent, to the good results posted by the General Regime, with 473,967 new workers (up 3.38%).

It should be noted that the rate rose by 0.89% under the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers, which translates into an increase of 28,293 workers. The Regime for Seamen rose by 3.43% (up 2,153), while the Regime for Coal Workers posted a decrease of 536 contributors (down 14.29%).

Compared with last year, the number of workers has increased in all autonomous regions. Particularly noteworthy are Catalonia, with an increase of 113,158 workers (up 3.67%), the Region of Madrid, with an increase of 93,774 workers (up 3.33%), Andalusia, with an increase of 68,718 (up 2.48%) and the Region of Valencia, with an increase of 58,988 (up 3.58%).