2016 campaign launched under the slogan "Drugs change your Destiny"
Ministry of Health and Movement for Peace warn of the danger of drugs when travelling overseas
News - 2016.6.28
The Government Delegation for the National Drugs Plan of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality and the NGO Movement for Peace have launched their 2016 campaign to warn about the risks of consuming or trafficking drugs when travelling overseas.
The slogan of this campaign is "Drugs change your Destiny" and it aims to raise public awareness about the possible consequences of carrying, trafficking and consuming drugs when overseas.
Currently, three out of every four Spaniards currently detained in foreign jails are there because of offences related to the consumption or trafficking of drugs. According to data provided by the Directorate-General of Spaniards Overseas and Consular and Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, a total of 1,063 Spaniards were being detained in foreign jails for drugs-related offences at 30 April 2016, representing 73.9% of all Spaniards being detained in other countries (1,451).
750 posters and 30,000 cards will be distributed to spread the messages from this campaign. Furthermore, the campaign includes a radio slot that will be broadcast on various stations nationwide. Through the Government Delegation for the National Drugs Plan, the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality has funded this campaign with 18,000 euros.
The campaign will be physically present at both ID card and passport issuing centres and at the locations most commonly used by travellers or people intending to travel, throughout the country. The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, as well as AENA, ADIF, Puertos del Estado (the Spanish ports authority) and other public and private entities are also assisting with the distribution of the material being used in this campaign.
Raise awareness and dissuade
The campaign has a two-fold objective: on the one hand, to raise awareness among people travelling to other countries about the risks involved in any contact with drugs; and, on the other hand, to dissuade people from trying to take drugs into other countries because they think they will obtain quick and easy money.
The campaign also tries to warn young travellers who, perhaps because they lack information or they are not fully aware of the risk they are taking, might think that the law is more tolerant in other countries regarding the consumption or trafficking of drugs, even in small amounts, when compared with Spain.
Spain distinguishes between the consumption and trafficking of drugs. However, this distinction does not exist in many countries and both practices are punished with jail sentences, where the conditions are often very tough.
Assistance for Spaniards detained overseas
The Movement for Peace, Disarmament and Liberty (MPDL) is an entity that has been working to defend the most vulnerable people for over 30 years. In order to respond to the growing demand for assistance for Spaniards in foreign jails, it took over the Programme of Assistance for Spanish Nationals Detained Overseas that had been previously managed by the Ramón Rubial Foundation, in 2010.